Code | Description |
Code | Specifies a code to identify this debtor bank account. |
Name | Specifies the name of the bank where the debtor's bank account is held. |
Country/Region Code | Specifies the country/region of the address. |
IBAN | Specifies the international bank account number of the bank account. |
SWIFT Code | Specifies the SWIFT code (international bank identification number) of the bank where the debtor has the account.
Note This field may be required when sending payments to a different country or receiving payments from a different country. If the value is not filled, it may cause issues with payment processing using the NAVAX Payment Exports. |
Phone No. | Specifies the phone number of the bank where the debtor's account is held. |
Contact | Specifies the name of the bank employee with whom you regularly communicate regarding this bank account. |
Main Bank | Specifies the vendor bank account that will be used by default on payment journal lines for export to a payment bank file.
Tip Starting from version, the main bank account can also be selected via the Preferred Bank Account Code field on the debtor card. The Main Bank field will then be automatically updated on the corresponding bank account. If the Main Bank field is checked, the Preferred Bank Account Code field on the debtor card will also be updated. |
SEPA Mandates | Displays the number of SEPA mandates associated with this bank account.
For more information, see Setup, Exports, SEPA-Direct Debit-Mandates.
Note This field is only displayed on a debtor bank account. |
NAVAX G/L Application G/L Application for selected G/L Accounts. More information AppSource |