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 Bank Account Reconciliation

2024/09/13 • 7 min. to read
You must regularly reconcile your bank, receivables, and payables accounts by applying payments recorded in the bank to their related open (unpaid) invoices and credit memos or other open entries in Business Central. You can perform this task on the Payment Reconciliation Journal page, for example, by importing a bank statement file or feed to quickly register the payments. Payments are applied to open customer or vendor ledger entries based on matches between payment text and entry information. You can review and change automatic applications before you post the journal. You can choose to close any open bank account ledger entries related to the applied ledger entries when you post the journal. The bank account is automatically reconciled when all payments are applied. You can use the Bank Account Reconciliation to reconcile your Business Central bank account with the imported statement data:
  1. Go to Tasks > Bank Account Reconciliation or enter the term in What do you want to do?
  2. Create a new Bank Account Reconciliation using the + icon at the top center of the page.
  3. Select the Bank Account Number of your own bank account.
  4. If no number is generated automatically, enter a Statement No..
  5. Click on Process > Suggest Lines
  6. In the window that opens, enter the period in the field Start Date or End Date and click on OK. The imported lines are displayed on the left, the bank account ledger entries on the right.
  7. You have the following options.
    • Click Match Automatically to perform an automatic match of the two sides.
    • Select two lines and click Match Manually to match two lines.
    • Click Remove Match to remove the link.


    If statement lines cannot be completely reconciled with the bank account ledger entries (automatically or manually), it is possible that the corresponding payments have not yet been posted. Use the function Transfer to General Journal to transfer the unreconciled amount displayed in the field Difference to a journal for posting.


Difference Reason Resolution
A transaction in the internal bank account
is not on the bank statement.
The bank transaction did not occur
although a posting was made in
Business Central.
Make the missing money transaction (or
prompt a debitor to make it), and then
reimport the bank statement file or enter
the transaction manually.
A transaction on the bank statement
does not exist as a document or journal
line in Business Central.
A bank transaction was made without a
corresponding posting in Business Central,
for example a journal line posting for an
Create and post the missing entry. For
information on a quick way to initiate this, see
unter To create missing ledger entries to match
bank transactions with
in Business Central Online Help.
A transaction in the internal bank
account corresponds to a bank
transaction but some information is too
different to give a match.
Information, such as the amount or the
customer name, was entered differently in
connection with the bank transaction or the
internal posting.
Review the information, and then manually
match the two. Optionally, correct the
information mismatch.
You must resolve the differences, for example by creating missing entries and correcting non-matching information, or by making missing money transactions, until the bank account reconciliation is completed and posted. You can fill in the Bank Statement Lines pane on the Bank Acc. Reconciliation page in the following ways:
  • Automatically, by using the Import Bank Statement function to fill in the Bank Statement Lines pane with bank transactions according to an imported file or stream provided by the bank.
  • Manually, by using the Suggest Lines function to fill in the Bank Statement Lines pane according to invoices in Business Central that have outstanding payments.
You can find more information at, reconcile bank accounts in the Business Central Online Help.


The table contains the following fields or columns:
Bank Account No. Specifies the number of the bank account that you want to reconcile with the bank's statement.
Statement No. Specifies the number of the bank account statement.
Statement Date Specifies the date on the bank account statement.
Import Additional Info. Specifies additional information from the NCP Imports. Click on the field to display all additional information.
Balance Last Statement Specifies the ending balance shown on the last bank statement, which was used in the last posted bank reconciliation for this bank account.
Statement Ending Balance Specifies the ending balance shown on the bank's statement that you want to reconcile with the bank account.
NCP Imports This field indicates whether an import has already been performed and data are available.
Bank Statement Lines
Open Journal Lines Specifies the number of journal lines for this bank account reconciliation.
Balance (Bank Statement Lines) Specifies a balance, consisting of the Balance Last Statement field, plus the balance that has accumulated in the Statement Amount field.
Total Balance (Bank Statement Lines) Specifies the accumulated balance of the bank reconciliation, which consists of the Balance Last Statement field, plus the balance in the Statement Amount field.
Total Difference (Bank Statement Lines) Specifies the total amount of the Difference field for all the lines on the bank reconciliation.
Balance (Bank Account Ledger Entries) Specifies the balance of the bank account since the last posting, including any amount in the Total on Outstanding Checks field.
Total on Outstanding Checks (Bank Account Ledger Entries) Specifies the part of the bank account balance that consists of posted check ledger entries. The amount in this field is a subset of the amount in the Balance field under the right pane in the Bank Acc. Reconciliation window.
Balance To Reconcile (Bank Account Ledger Entries) Specifies the balance of the bank account since the last posting, excluding any amount in the Total on Outstanding Checks field.

Actions, Process

  • Suggest Lines

    Create bank account ledger entries suggestions and enter them automatically.
  • Import Data Card

    The Data from the NCP Imports is displayed here. Each row in the NCP Imports window can contain multiple data lines, which can contain multiple Transactions. The Transactions, themselves, can contain multiple Payment Remittance Lines and Charges.

Actions, Matching

  • Match Automatically

    Automatically search for and match bank statement lines.
  • Match Manually

    Manually match selected lines in both panes to link each bank statement line to one or more related bank account ledger entries.
  • Remove Match

    Remove selection of matched bank statement lines.
  • Import Fixed Account Allocations

    If the applied amount should always assign certain transactions to a fixed G/L account, customer, vendor or bank account, you can set up fixed account allocations. Fixed account allocations are generally managed or created in the Payment Import Setup window, but can also be configured via the journal or bank account reconciliation. For more information, see Setup, Imports, Fixed Account Allocations.

Actions, Posting

  • Transfer to General Journal

    Transfer the lines from the current window to the general journal.
  • Post

    Finalize the document or journal by posting the amounts and quantities to the related accounts in your company books.
  • Post & Print

    Finalize and prepare to print the document or journal. The values and quantities are posted to the related accounts. A report request window where you can specify what to include on the print-out.
  • Open Journals

    Open a journal based on the journal batch.

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