LCY Code | Shows the currency code for the local currency. This value has been stored in the General Ledger Setup. |
ISO LCY Code | Specifies the ISO LCY Code, this will be pre-filled with EUR when LCY Code is set to EUR or EURO in the General Ledger Setup and the field has not yet been configured. |
camt.052 - Account Report | Specifies if and where the camt.052 - Account Report files can be imported and transferred
The following options are available:
camt.53 - Statement | Indicates whether, and if so, where the camt.053 - Statement files can be imported and transferred.
The following options are available:
camt.54 - Debit Credit Notification | Specifies if and where the camt.054 - return data files can be imported and transferred.
The following options are available:
MT940 - Statement | Specifies if and where the MT940 - Statement data files can be imported and transferred.
The following options are available:
Custom | Specifies if and where the Custom Files can be imported and transferred.
The following options are available:
Custom Formats Exists | Shows if custom formats are available. |
Trans. Posting Date | Specifies the value with which the entry date is to be filled when it is transferred to a general journal or to the bank account reconciliation.
The following options are available:
Trans. Document Date | Indicates if and with what value the document date should be filled when it is transferred to a General Journal or to the Bank Account Reconciliation.
The following options are available:
Trans. Document No. | Specifies if the document number is to be filled in, and if so, with what value when it is transferred to a General Journal or to the Bank Account Reconciliation.
The following options are available:
Trans. External Document No. | Specifies if the External Document No. should be filled, and if so, with which value when it is transferred to a General Journal or to the Bank Account Reconciliation.
The following options are available:
Trans. Description | Specifies if the description is to be filled in, and if so, with which value when it is transferred to a General Journal or to the Bank Account Reconciliation.
The following options are available:
Trans. Amount | Specifies if the amount should be filled up with a value when it is transferred to a General Journal or to the Bank Account Reconciliation.
The following options are available:
Trans. Charges | Specifies if the expenses should also be transferred to the General Journal or to the Bank Account Reconciliation. |
Source Code from Import | Shows the settings in the source code setup. You can click on the AssistEdit button and select a source code in the Trans. Payment Import to Gen. Jnl page. |
Source Code from Bank Acc. Reconciliation | Shows the settings in the origin code setup. |
Document No. Alloc. Accuracy |
This can have an impact on automatic application of the customer ledger entry.
The following options are available:
Fixed Account Allocations Exists |
Indicates that fixed allocations to accounts exist.
Note This indicator is set automatically if allocations exist. Use the AssistEdit function to navigate to the list of Fixed Account Allocations. |
Keep Account Allocations | Specifies that the account allocations should be kept during automatic matching, even if no documents are found for the matching.
Caution This setting can cause incorrect suggestions and should be used with caution.Tip If you notice that some allocations are not correct, enabling the analysis window can help identify the cause. |
Separators Ext. Document No. | Shows the separators that will be used for automatic application in the journals for the external document no. field. The external document no. is then subdivided for the search to achieve a better result. If the field remains empty, the external document no. is used as entered for the search. |
Show Analysis Window |
Specifies whether a window containing detailed information about the matching should pop up. If you close the window with OK, the suggestion is copied to the journal line or the bank account reconciliation.
Note Use this indicator for information purposes only. To perform an application, this indicator must be deactivated. |
Matching Date Tolerance (Days) | If you specify a value here, the automatic bank account reconciliation lines will only suggest bank account entries for which the posting date does not differ further from the transaction date. |
Check Application Amount | Specifies whether the action Import Suggest Application in the journal should only suggest open journal lines where the remaining amount matches the amount from the import. With the fields Application Tolerance % and Max. Application Tolerance Amount you can specify a tolerance for this check. |
Application Tolerance % | Tolerance for the application in percent. The amount of the open entry can differ from the imported amount by the percentage in the field Application Tolerance %, but at most by the amount in the field Max. Application Tolerance Amount. |
Delete Data Date Calculation | This allows you to specify the period for deleting the data via NCP Exports - Delete Data. Only data that is at least 6 months old can be deleted. If the field is empty, the minimum period is used. |
Last Date Archived Files deleted | Shows the date on which NCP Export - Delete Data were last executed. |
Archived Files deleted until | Specifies the date until which archived files were deleted from the clearing entries. |
The files can no longer be exported.NAVAX G/L Application G/L Application for selected G/L Accounts. More information AppSource |