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Customs Formats

2024/06/21 • 3 min. to read
You can define a special format for the payment file if the existing standard formats do not meet the requirements of your bank. In the setup (Payments Import Setup) you define what user-defined formats can be used for. During import (Import Payment File) you can then select the option Custom Format.


CodeSpecifies the code for the custom format.
DescriptionSpecifies a description for the custom format.
ActiveSpecifies whether the custom format is completely set up and active. Only active formats can be used in payments import.
Bank Account No.Specifies the bank account number for whom the format is valid.
Bank Account NameShows the bank account name.


This field is filled in automatically if you enter the Bank Account No..
Bank Account IBANShows the bank account IBAN.


This field is filled in automatically if you enter the Bank Account Number.
SeparatorSpecifies the separator symbol for the fields.
Start DelimiterSpecifies the start delimiter for the fields.
End DelimiterSpecifies the end character for the fields.
Decimal SeparatorSpecifies the decimal separator for the fields.
No. of FieldsShows the number of existing fields for this format.


If you click in the field you will open the page Payments Import Custom Format Fields. For more information, see Payments Import Custom Format Fields.
No. of Assigned Import FieldsShows the number of assigned import fields for this format.


If you click in the field you will open the page Payments Import Custom Format Fields. For more information, see Payments Import Custom Format Fields.
File StructureShows the file structure with the separators of the import format.


  • Fields

    Shows the list of the configured fields of the custom format, you can make the settings regarding the fields here.
  • Suggest Fields

    With the function Suggest fields, the fields can be automatically read or suggested from the CSV file (header line). Each field in the file that is to be imported into the payments import must then be assigned to a field number of the import.

Actions, Setup

  • Import

    This action imports a file with a user defined format in CSV format. The file must start with a header line containing the field names. A row or record cannot be longer than 1024 characters. After creating a format and setting up the separators used in the CSV file, the fields of the file and their assignment to the payments import can be set up. These files can be imported from other systems that you have already configured and exported using the export function.
  • Export

    Use this action to export a custom format to a file. This exported file can be used for import into other databases.

See also

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