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Docs  /  NAVAX Payment  /  Appendix

 Installation Notes

2024/10/01 • 2 min. to read

Publish and Install the Extension

All necessary steps are described here:
[Microsoft Learn] Business Central - Publishing and Installing an Extension


  • NAVAX Payment Base

    ID: 35bfcd3e-32be-4797-bc00-d873d28542ad
  • NAVAX Extension Base

    ID: 2f4cb42d-6e2a-4708-a5e2-3ec5f32f20e9 For more information, see [Docs] NAVAX Extension Base - General
The following dependencies are also required for konfipay:
  • NCPK konfipay Connector Base

    ID: 4d356001-b546-444b-ab32-9374839fbca3


The following Granules are required for an On-Premises installation:
  • 1001710 NCPE Payments Export by NAVAX
  • 1001730 NCPI Payments Import by NAVAX
  • 1010860 Extension Base by NAVAX
The following Granules are also required for konfipay:
  • 70714845 NAVAX konfipay Connector Export
  • 70714840 NAVAX konfipay Connector Import

External Addresses

  • https://portal.konfipay.de, https://dzbank.konfipay.de, https://portal.konfipay.ch

    For the use of konfipay Online Payment Services to communicate with the bank, access to https://portal.konfipay.de must be granted.

    Public IP of portal.konfipay.de and dzbank.konfipay.de for firewall whitelisting:

    Inbound:, Port: TCP/443 Outbound:, Port: TCP/443 Depending on the konfipay instance, the outgoing IP address for the connection to bank data centers may vary.

    Public IP of portal.konfipay.ch for firewall whitelisting:

    Inbound:, Port: TCP/443 Outbound:, Port: TCP/443 Depending on the konfipay instance, the outgoing IP address for the connection to bank data centers may vary.

    Checking the connection to https://portal.konfipay.de, https://dzbank.konfipay.de or https://portal.konfipay.ch using PS:

    Test-NetConnection [konfipay.de/konfipay.ch] -port 443 (PS must be performed with the M-Tier service user)
  • https://www.navax.app

    For licensing, calling the online help and performing some actions, access to https://www.navax.app must be granted.

    Public IP from www.navax.app for setting firewall access:, Port: TCP/443

    Checking the connection to https://www.navax.app using PS:
    Test-NetConnection navax.app -port 443
    (PS must be performed with the M-Tier service user)
  • https://qr01.navax.com:8080

    To create the QR Codes via the CreateQRCodeRedSoft function, access to https://qr01.navax.com:8080 must be granted.

    Checking the connection to https://qr01.navax.com:8080 using PS:
    Test-NetConnection qr01.navax.com -port 8080
    (PS must be performed with the M-Tier service user)

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