ERR-01-XXXX - Category: Invalid string parameter | ||
ERR-01-0001 | RIdNotFound | There is no resource for the given RId. |
ERR-01-0002 | MsgIdNotFound | There is no resource for the given message identification. |
ERR-01-0003 | AmbiguousMsgId | The given message identification is ambiguous. |
ERR-01-0004 | InvalidStartDate | The start date was not recognized as valid date. |
ERR-01-0005 | InvalidEndDate | The end date was not recognized as valid date. |
ERR-01-0006 | InvalidPeriod | The given period is not valid (the start date and end date have to be chronological). |
ERR-01-0007 | InvalidDate | The date was not recognized as valid date. |
ERR-01-0008 | TransactionIdNotFound | There is no resource for the given transaction id. |
ERR-01-0009 | InvalidTransactionId | The given transaction id is invalid (empty or mor than 19 characters). |
ERR-01-0010 | AmbiguousTransactionId | The given transaction id is ambiguous. |
ERR-01-0011 | EMailAddressOrMerchantIdNotFound | There is no resource for the given email or merchant id. |
ERR-01-0012 | MissingParameter | A required parameter is not set. |
ERR-01-0013 | BankNotFound | The requested bank was not found. |
ERR-01-0014 | InvalidGateway | The requested gateway is not supported. Only "SRZ", "EBICS" or a valid rId are allowed. |
ERR-01-0015 | UnsupportedApiVersion | The API version is not supported for the requested resource. |
ERR-01-0016 | InvalidQueryStringValue | The query string parameter contains an invalid value. |
ERR-02-XXXX - Category: Content validation failed | ERR-02-0000 | ontentValidationFailed | The validation of the content failed. More information about the exact reason can be found in the error details. | |
ERR-02-0001 | InvalidRId | The given RId is invalid (empty or not 36 characters long). | ||
ERR-02-0002 | InvalidXmlCharacter | The file contains invalid characters according to the DFÜ agreement. | ||
ERR-02-0003 | MissingXmlNamespace | The XML document does not contain a valid XML namespace | ||
ERR-02-0004 | InvalidXmlNamespacePrefix | The XML namespace prefix is invalid. | ||
ERR-02-0005 | PainVersionNotSupported | The specified pain version is not supported by konfipay. | ||
ERR-02-0006 | PainVersionReleaseDateNotReached | The pain version specified in the XML document is not (yet) valid. | ||
ERR-02-0007 | SchemaValidationError | The validation of the XML document against the XML schema failed. | ||
ERR-02-0008 | InitPartyIbanChecksumValidationFailed | The IBAN checksum of the ordering party account is invalid. | ||
ERR-02-0009 | OtherPartyIbanChecksumValidationFailed | The IBAN checksum of a beneficiary/payee account is invalid. | ||
ERR-02-0010 | InvalidIbanIsoCountryCode | The ISO country code contained in the IBAN is invalid or not supported. | ||
ERR-02-0011 | TransactionLimitExceeded | The maximum number of transactions allowed per payment order was exceeded. | ||
ERR-02-0012 | LocalInstrumentMashup | The document contains more than one payment method. | ||
ERR-02-0013 | InvalidServiceLevel | The specified service level is invalid (urgent payments are not allowed). | ||
ERR-02-0014 | InvalidExecutionDate | The execution date is too far in the future/past. | ||
ERR-02-0015 | InvalidInitiatingPartyIban | The bank account is not assigned to the user account or is inactive. | ||
ERR-02-0016 | IbanBicMismatch | The bank code of the IBAN does not match the BIC of the financial institution. | ||
ERR-02-0017 | ControlSumMismatch | The specified checksum in the header or a payment does not match the content. | ||
ERR-02-0018 | NumberOfTransactionsMismatch | The specified number of transactions in the header or a payment does not match the content. | ||
ERR-02-0019 | InvalidOtherPartyCountry | The beneficiary/payer bank account is not located in a SEPA participating country. | ||
ERR-02-0020 | InvalidBankAccountIban | The checksum of the IBAN of the bank account is invalid. | ||
ERR-02-0021 | InvalidBankAccountAdditionalInformation | The content exceeds the maximum length of 500 characters. | ||
ERR-02-0022 | InvalidCreditorId | The structure of the creditor identification is invalid. | ||
ERR-02-0023 | MissingRefundIdentifier | No identifier was specified for the transaction (transaction id or RId). | ||
ERR-02-0024 | InvalidRefundMemo | The memo specified for the refund is invalid (max. 255 characters). | ||
ERR-02-0025 | InvalidRefundType | The specified refund type is invalid. Possible refund types: Full | Partial | td> |
ERR-02-0026 | MissingRefundAmount | The amount to be refunded is required but not specified. The amount is required if refundType specified with Partial. | ||
ERR-02-0027 | InvalidRefundAmountValue | The value of the amount to be refunded is invalid. | ||
ERR-02-0028 | InvalidRefundAmountCurrency | The currency of the amount to be refunded is invalid. | ||
ERR-02-0029 | DtazvValidationFailed | The validation of the DTAZV file has failed. | ||
ERR-02-0030 | IbanValidationFailed | The validation of the IBAN has failed. | ||
ERR-02-0031 | InvalidBlz | The bank code is invalid. | ||
ERR-02-0032 | ContainerVersionNotSupported | The container version specified in the XML document is not supported. | ||
ERR-02-0033 | CamtVersionNotSupported | The camt version specified in the XML document is not supported. | ||
ERR-02-0034 | InvalidValue | A field in the transferred Json or XML document has an invalid value. | ||
ERR-02-0035 | OtherPartyAddressRequired | For payment orders whose counter account is not located in an EU participating country and with an amount > 1000€, it is mandatory to provide the address. | ||
ERR-02-0036 | DeprecatedLocalInstrument | The file contains the unsupported direct debit type "COR1". Only "CORE" and "B2B" are supported. "COR1" can be automatically converted to "CORE" using the API settings. | ||
ERR-02-0037 | InvalidLocalInstrument | The file contains an invalid value for this payment type in the 'LocalInstrument' field. | ||
ERR-02-0038 | PaymentMessageIsNotUnique | The Message ID of the payment file needs to be unique. This is an optional check that can be deactivated in the API settings. |
ERR-03-XXXX - Category: Content not readable | ||
ERR-03-0001 | NoContentReceived | No content was transferred. |
ERR-03-0002 | InvalidContentType | The specified content type of the transferred content is invalid. |
ERR-03-0003 | InvalidFileStructure | The structure of the transferred file is syntactically invalid. |
ERR-03-0004 | InvalidXmlDocument | The transferred content does not correspond to a well-formed XML document. |
ERR-03-0005 | InvalidLoginCredentials | The syntactical structure of the login information is invalid. |
ERR-03-0006 | InvalidBankAccount | The syntactical structure of the bank account information is invalid. |
ERR-03-0007 | InvalidRefund | The syntactical structure of the refund information is invalid. |
ERR-03-0008 | ContentNotReadable | The transferred Text, Json or XML file does not have the expected structure. |
ERR-04-XXXX - Category: Prerequisites not met | ||
ERR-04-0001 | MissingScope | The API key used for authentication does not have the necessary permissions to access the requested resource. |
ERR-04-0002 | SrzMappingFailed | The determination of the service data center for submitting the payment file failed. |
ERR-04-0003 | EbicsContactMappingFailed | No completely initialized EBICS contact for the transmission of the payment file was found. |
ERR-04-0004 | MissingEbicsOrderType | The EBICS contact does not have the required order type for the payment type. |
ERR-04-0005 | InvalidEbicsContact | The EBICS contact for the transmission of the payment file is not completely initialized or not configured to send payments. |
ERR-04-0006 | InvalidPaymentStatus | The status of the payment is already set to "executed". A new execution is only possible if the parameter force set to true |
ERR-04-0007 | BankAccountIbanAlreadyExists | A bank account with the specified IBAN already exists. |
ERR-04-0008 | InactiveBankAccount | The bank account is deactivated in konfipay. |
ERR-04-0009 | UnknownBankAccount | No bank account was found for the given IBAN. |
ERR-04-0010 | AmbiguousRefundIdentifier | The identifier for the refund transaction is not ambiguous. |
ERR-04-0011 | DuplicateFound | The file was identified as a duplicate. |
ERR-04-0012 | IndividualRestriction | The payment file cannot be accepted due to an individual restriction of the financial institution. |
ERR-04-0013 | ClientBlocked | The client application was blocked by konfipay. More information about the exact reason can be found in the error details. |
ERR-04-0014 | InsufficientPermissions | The client is not authorized to perform the requested operation. More information about the exact reason can be found in the error details. |
ERR-05-XXXX - Category: Processing error | ||
ERR-05-0000 | ProcessingError | An error has occurred while processing the request. More information about the exact reason can be found in the error details. |
ERR-05-0001 | EbicsError | An error has occurred while performing the EBICS action. |
ERR-05-0002 | PayPalError | An error has occurred while performing the PayPal action. |
ERR-05-0003 | PayPalUnspecifiedError | During the execution of the PayPal action an error occurred that was not specified by PayPal. |
NAVAX G/L Application G/L Application for selected G/L Accounts. More information AppSource |