In the NCP Bank Account Setup window, all bank accounts required for payment processing with NAVAX Payment are stored and managed. Here, you can add new bank accounts, edit or remove existing accounts, and update important account details. The overview provides a clear and structured representation of all relevant bank information to make payment processing efficient and transparent.
If you are using the konfipay Connector, specific settings for bank accounts required for synchronization are also made here. The konfipay Connector enables seamless integration and synchronization of your bank accounts with respective financial systems. This includes the configuration of access data.
For more information, see
In addition, the Bank Account Setup window offers various tools and functions to assist you in the daily management of your bank accounts. These include monitoring account balances and transactions, as well as performing error analysis and corrections. All of these functions are designed to make your work easier and increase the efficiency of your financial processes.
Furthermore, in the NCP Bank Account Setup window, you can store SEPA XML schemas. These schemas are necessary for the standardized processing of SEPA transfers and direct debits. By storing the SEPA XML schemas, you ensure that all transactions comply with the current SEPA guidelines and can be executed correctly and on time. This facilitates cross-border payment processing within the SEPA area and ensures higher accuracy and reliability in payment transactions.
The Country/Region Code field must be specified for the bank account to be used in payment processing.
Bank Account Number
Specifies the bank account number for which the Payment Processing Bank Account Setup was created.
Displays the name of the linked bank account.
Displays the IBAN of the linked bank account.
Country/Region Code
Displays the country/region code of the bank account.
The Country/Region Code field must be specified for the bank account to be used in payment processing.
Pay with QR Code
Indicates that this bank account should be used by default for Pay with QR Code. Only one account can be marked!
For more information, see Setup, General, Pay with QR-Code.
If you do not use the Pay with QR Code feature, this field can be left empty.
Indicates that konfipay should act as middleware for communication with your bank. Enabling this option allows you to directly import bank statements into Business Central and send generated payment files (collections and transfers) to the bank from Business Central through the middleware without having to store files.
Test Account
Indicates whether the bank account in konfipay is a Sandbox Bank Account or a Production Bank Account.
Test accounts do not send information to the bank; instead, konfipay simulates the validations. Therefore, do not use test accounts for real transactions!
Agreement Document exists
Indicates that the agreement document has been imported by konfipay.
The agreement document defines the permissions the user receives and how access to the various functions and services of konfipay is regulated. This is particularly important for the security and protection of sensitive financial data.
It establishes the legal framework under which the user can use the services of the bank or payment service provider.
By signing the agreement document, the user commits to complying with certain standards and rules in handling the offered services. This creates binding obligations and ensures smooth payment processes.
agreements documents imported through konfipay are stored in the Attached Documents and can be viewed in the Attachments factbox under Documents.
By default, this field is hidden and can be displayed using the Personalize function.
Account Balance
Displays the account balance according to konfipay.
Acc. Balance Currency Code
Displays the currency code of the account balance according to konfipay.
Account Balance Date
Displays the date of the account balance according to konfipay.
By default, this field is hidden and can be displayed using the Personalize function.
No. of Payment Status Entries
Displays the number of new payment status entries for this bank account. The payment status entries overview can be accessed using the AssistEdit function.
By default, this field is hidden and can be displayed using the Personalize function.
Open Payment Status Entries
Displays the number of payment status entries for this bank account. The payment status entries overview can be accessed using the AssistEdit function.
By default, this field is hidden and can be displayed using the Personalize function.
Pending Payment Status Entries
Displays the number of pending payment status entries without a final status for this bank account. The payment status entries overview can be accessed using the AssistEdit function.
By default, this field is hidden and can be displayed using the Personalize function.
New Account Statement Entries
Displays the number of available account statement files.
By default, this field is hidden and can be displayed using the Personalize function.
Imported Account Statement Entries
Displays the number of already imported account statement files.
By default, this field is hidden and can be displayed using the Personalize function.
Last Import Date
Displays the date of the NCPI Import record for the account statement file.
By default, this field is hidden and can be displayed using the Personalize function.
Home, Actions
Import Bank Accounts
Use the Import Bank Accounts action to import bank accounts from konfipay into Business Central. This function allows you to automatically transfer existing bank accounts from the konfipay system to your Business Central environment. This saves time and reduces errors as the account data does not need to be manually entered. During the import process, all relevant bank information is transferred and stored in Business Central, allowing you to work with synchronized data immediately.
After importing a bank account, you still need to specify the bank account posting group on the bank account card, otherwise, there may be an error when posting.
Download Acc. Transaction Entries
Use this action to initiate the process of retrieving and importing account statement files from konfipay into Business Central. This converts the selected bank account's statement data into a format suitable for Business Central. After the import, the data is available as an XML file, which can then be further processed using the NCPI Payment Import.
Navigate, Actions
Payment Journals
Opens the most recently used cash receipt journal where you can register direct debits to customers.
Payment Output Journals
Opens the most recently used payment journal where you can register transfers to creditors.
NCP Imports
In the Payment Import window, you can import files, transfer data to payment journals or bank account reconciliations, and manage the associated journals and reconciliations. Depending on the setup, different actions and fields will be displayed.
Agreement Document
The action opens the agreement document in konfipay that was signed during the setup of the bank account. If the agreement document has not been imported yet, the download will be performed automatically.
The agreement document defines the permissions the user receives and how access to the various functions and services of konfipay is regulated. This is particularly important for the security and protection of sensitive financial data.
It establishes the legal framework under which the user can use the services of the bank or payment service provider.
By signing the agreement document, the user commits to comply with certain standards and rules in handling the offered services. This creates binding obligations and ensures smooth payment processes.
Posten, Actions
Clearing Entries
Displays the clearing entries for this bank account. When creating a payment file, a clearing entry is generated for each record.
For more information, see Archive, Clearing Entries.
Payment Status Entries
Opens the overview of payment status entries for this bank account.
For more information, see Archive, Payment Status Entries.
Account Transaction Entries
Opens the overview of imported account transaction entries from konfipay. These account transaction entries can then be imported into the NCPI Import page.
For more information, see Archive, Account Transaction Entries.
Bank Account, Actions
Bank Account Card
Use this action to open the Bank Account Card where you can set the data for this bank account.
Bank Account Information
This action lists all the information from konfipay related to this bank account. This function can be used to synchronize the data in Business Central with the data in konfipay.
Bank Account Setup Card
General, Fields
Bank Account Number
Specifies the bank account number for which the Payment Processing Bank Account Setup was created.
Displays the name of the linked bank account.
Displays the IBAN of the linked bank account.
Country/Region Code
Displays the country/region code of the bank account.
The Country/Region Code field must be specified for the bank account to be used in payment processing.
Currency Code
Specifies the relevant currency code for the bank account.
Pay with QR Code
Specifies that this bank account should be used by default for payments with QR code. Only one account can be marked!
Max. Amount for Instant Transfer
Specifies the maximum amount for real-time transfers. If the field is left empty, the default value for SEPA real-time transfers will be used, which is € 100,000.
Posting, Fields
Charge Account No.
Specifies the expense account for the direct transfer of charges to a journal, or the indirect transfer to a journal via bank account reconciliation.
Import, Fields
Acc. Transaction File Format
Specifies in which Camt format the account transactions should be requested from konfipay.
Autom. File Acknowledge
Specifies that after successfully retrieving the account transaction entries from konfipay, the corresponding account transaction file should be automatically marked as confirmed. The file will not be downloaded again during the next retrieval from konfipay.
The initial value of the field is Yes.
For more information, see Transaction view
Export, Fields
SEPA Credit Transfer Schema
Specifies which payment XML schema should be used for SEPA transfers.
For more information, see Setup, Exports, XML Schemas.
SEPA Direct Debit Schema
Specifies which payment XML schema should be used for SEPA direct debits.
For more information, see Setup, Exports, XML Schemas.
Non-SEPA Credit Transfer Schema
Specifies which payment XML schema should be used for non-SEPA transfers.
For more information, see Setup, Exports, XML Schemas.
Originator ID
If necessary, specify the originator ID for the payment XML schemas.
Only specify the originator ID if allowed or required by your bank in the XML file.
Originator ID Issuer
If necessary, specify the issuer of the originator ID for the payment XML schemas.
Only specify the issuer of the originator ID if allowed or required by your bank in the XML file.
Connection to Bank, Fields
Enabling this option allows you to import bank statements directly into Business Central. In addition, generated payment files (collections and transfers) can be sent from Business Central to the bank via the middleware without having to save files locally.
Bank Connection Type
Specifies the data center access through which the account is connected between konfipay and the bank.
The following options are available:
Connection via EBICS
If you have your own fully initialized EBICS contact, EBICS will be automatically set as the connection type.
The connection via EBICS allows for some more detailed setup options for the affected accounts, such as specifying automation intervals.
Connection via Service Data Center
If you do not have your own EBICS contact, the account will be linked to the bank's data center via a service data center connection. konfipay uses a company-owned connection to the bank, eliminating the need to set up your own EBICS contact.
However, in order to use accounts via a service data center connection, it is essential that the customer fills out and sends the participation agreement to the bank, so that the bank can release the account for the service data center procedure on their side.
Test Account
Specifies whether the bank account in konfipay is a sandbox bank account or a productive bank account.
Test accounts do not send information to the bank; instead, konfipay simulates the validations. Therefore, do not use test accounts for real transactions!
Account Balance
Displays the account balance according to konfipay.
Account Balance Currency Code
Displays the currency code of the account balance according to konfipay.
Account Balance Date
Displays the date of the account balance according to konfipay.
Statistics, Fields
Number of Payment Status Entries
Displays the number of new payment status entries for this bank account. The AssistEdit function can be used to view the overview of payment status entries.
Open Payment Status Entries
Displays the number of payment status entries for this bank account. The AssistEdit function can be used to view the overview of payment status entries.
Pending Payment Status Entries
Displays the number of pending payment status entries without a final status for this bank account. The AssistEdit function can be used to view the overview of payment status entries.
New Account Transaction Entries
Displays the number of available account transaction files.
Imported Account Transaction Entries
Displays the number of already imported account transaction files.
Date of Last Import
Displays the date of the NCPI import record for the account transaction file.
Home, Actions
Download Acc. Transaction Entries
This action initiates the import of the account statement files available for the selected bank account from konfipay.
Navigate, Actions
Cash Receipt Journals
Creates an incoming payment journal line for the bank account, for example, to record a payment received.
Payment Journals
Opens the list of outgoing payment journal lines where you can register payments to creditors.
Payment Import
In the Payment Import window, you can import files, transfer data to journal lines or bank account reconciliations, and manage the associated journal lines and reconciliations. Depending on the setup, different actions and fields will be displayed.
Agreement Document
The action opens the konfipay participation agreement that was signed during the setup of the bank account. If the participation agreement has not been imported yet, the download will be performed automatically.
Entry, Actions
Clearing Entries
Displays the clearing entries for this bank account. When creating a payment file, a clearing entry is generated for each record.
For more information, see Archive, Clearing Entries.
Account Transaction Entries
Opens the overview of imported account statements from konfipay. These bank account statement lines can then be imported into the NCPI Import page.
Payment Status Entries
The action opens the overview of payment status entries for this bank account.
Bank Account, Actions
Bank Account Card
Displays or sets detailed information about your bank account, such as the IBAN and SWIFT code or bank account number, the currency to be used, and general data.
Update Account Balance
Synchronizes the account balance in Business Central with konfipay Online Payment Services.
Retrieve Bank Account Information
Lists all information from konfipay related to this bank account. This function can be used to synchronize the data in Business Central with the data in konfipay.