[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterCreateRemitInfoText(NCPPaymentRemittanceEntry: Record "NCP Payment Remittance Entry"; GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var TempRmtInfo: Text[140])
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NCP Payment Remittance Entry" | NCPPaymentRemittanceEntry | The payment remittance entry that contains the information from imported file. |
Record "Gen. Journal Line" | GenJournalLine | The general journal line that is used to create the payment remittance entry. |
Text[140] | TempRmtInfo | [Pass by Reference] The generated remittance text that can be customized. This text is the result of the function. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeCalcVendLedgEntryStep1CheckOldVendLedgerEntry(GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var TempOldVendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Gen. Journal Line" | GenJournalLine | The general journal line that is used to create the vendor ledger entry. |
Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary | TempOldVendorLedgerEntry | [Temporary][Pass by Reference] The old vendor ledger entry that is used to calculate the new vendor ledger entry. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeCalcVendLedgEntryStep1OnBeforeFindVendLedgerEntry(var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var ApplyingDate: Date; var TempOldVendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary; var Result: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Gen. Journal Line" | GenJournalLine | [Pass by Reference] The general journal line that is used to create the vendor ledger entry. |
Date | ApplyingDate | [Pass by Reference] The applying date that is used to calculate the vendor ledger entry. |
Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary | TempOldVendorLedgerEntry | [Temporary][Pass by Reference] The old vendor ledger entry that is used to calculate the new vendor ledger entry. |
Boolean | Result | [Pass by Reference] The result of the function that determines if the vendor ledger entry is found. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] Indicates if the vendor ledger entry is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeCalcVendLedgEntryStep2(var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var AmountToApply: Decimal; var PmtTolAmtToBeApplied: Decimal; var RemainingAmount: Decimal; var LineAmount: Decimal; var LineDiscount: Decimal; var AppliedAmount: Decimal; var TempOldVendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary; var OldVendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary; Vendor: Record Vendor; var Completed: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Gen. Journal Line" | GenJournalLine | [Pass by Reference] The general journal line that is used to create the vendor ledger entry. |
Decimal | AmountToApply | [Pass by Reference] The amount that is applied to the vendor ledger entry. |
Decimal | PmtTolAmtToBeApplied | [Pass by Reference] The payment tolerance amount that is applied to the vendor ledger entry. |
Decimal | RemainingAmount | [Pass by Reference] The remaining amount that is applied to the vendor ledger entry. |
Decimal | LineAmount | [Pass by Reference] The line amount that is applied to the vendor ledger entry. |
Decimal | LineDiscount | [Pass by Reference] The line discount that is applied to the vendor ledger entry. |
Decimal | AppliedAmount | [Pass by Reference] The applied amount that is applied to the vendor ledger entry. |
Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary | TempOldVendorLedgerEntry | [Temporary][Pass by Reference] The old vendor ledger entry that is used to calculate the new vendor ledger entry. |
Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary | OldVendorLedgerEntry | [Temporary][Pass by Reference] The vendor ledger entry that is used to calculate the new vendor ledger entry. |
Record Vendor | Vendor | The vendor that is used to create the vendor ledger entry. |
Boolean | Completed | [Pass by Reference] Indicates if the calculation is completed. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] Indicates if the vendor ledger entry is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeCalcCustLedgEntryStep1CheckOldCustLedgerEntry(GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var TempOldCustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" temporary)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Gen. Journal Line" | GenJournalLine | The general journal line that is used to create the customer ledger entry. |
Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" temporary | TempOldCustLedgerEntry | [Temporary][Pass by Reference] The old customer ledger entry that is used to calculate the new customer ledger entry. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeCalcCustLedgEntryStep1OnBeforeFindCustLedgerEntry(var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var ApplyingDate: Date; var TempOldCustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" temporary; var Result: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Gen. Journal Line" | GenJournalLine | [Pass by Reference] The general journal line that is used to create the customer ledger entry. |
Date | ApplyingDate | [Pass by Reference] The applying date that is used to calculate the customer ledger entry. |
Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" temporary | TempOldCustLedgerEntry | [Temporary][Pass by Reference] The old customer ledger entry that is used to calculate the new customer ledger entry. |
Boolean | Result | [Pass by Reference] The result of the function that determines if the customer ledger entry is found. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] Indicates if the customer ledger entry is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeCalcCustLedgEntryStep2(var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var AmountToApply: Decimal; var PmtTolAmtToBeApplied: Decimal; var RemainingAmount: Decimal; var LineAmount: Decimal; var LineDiscount: Decimal; var AppliedAmount: Decimal; var OldCustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" temporary; Customer: Record Customer; var Completed: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Gen. Journal Line" | GenJournalLine | [Pass by Reference] The general journal line that is used to create the customer ledger entry. |
Decimal | AmountToApply | [Pass by Reference] The amount that is applied to the customer ledger entry. |
Decimal | PmtTolAmtToBeApplied | [Pass by Reference] The payment tolerance amount that is applied to the customer ledger entry. |
Decimal | RemainingAmount | [Pass by Reference] The remaining amount that is applied to the customer ledger entry. |
Decimal | LineAmount | [Pass by Reference] The line amount that is applied to the customer ledger entry. |
Decimal | LineDiscount | [Pass by Reference] The line discount that is applied to the customer ledger entry. |
Decimal | AppliedAmount | [Pass by Reference] The applied amount that is applied to the customer ledger entry. |
Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" temporary | OldCustLedgerEntry | [Temporary][Pass by Reference] The old customer ledger entry that is used to calculate the new customer ledger entry. |
Record Customer | Customer | The customer that is used to create the customer ledger entry. |
Boolean | Completed | [Pass by Reference] Indicates if the calculation is completed. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] Indicates if the customer ledger entry is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeInitLanguageRecords(var NCPLanguageSetup: Record "NCP Language Setup"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NCP Language Setup" | NCPLanguageSetup | [Pass by Reference] The NCP language setup that is used to initialize the language records. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] Indicates if the language records are handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterInitLanguageRecords(var NCPLanguageSetup: Record "NCP Language Setup")
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NCP Language Setup" | NCPLanguageSetup | [Pass by Reference] The NCP language setup that is used to initialize the language records. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterInitSEPACountries(var TempCountryRegion: Record "Country/Region")
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Country/Region" | TempCountryRegion | The country/region that is used to initialize the SEPA countries/regions. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeOnPreReportEvent(Vendor: Record Vendor; VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry")
Type | Name | Description |
Record Vendor | Vendor | The vendor that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" | VendorLedgerEntry | The vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterPreReport(var Vendor: Record Vendor; var VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry")
Type | Name | Description |
Record Vendor | Vendor | [Pass by Reference] The vendor that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" | VendorLedgerEntry | [Pass by Reference] The vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterIncludeVendor(Vendor: Record Vendor; VendorBalance: Decimal; var Result: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record Vendor | Vendor | The vendor that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Decimal | VendorBalance | The balance of the vendor that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | Result | [Pass by Reference] The result of the function that determines if the vendor is included in the payment suggestion. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnGetVendLedgEntriesOnBeforeLoop(var VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; PostingDate: Date; LastDueDateToPayReq: Date; Future: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" | VendorLedgerEntry | The vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Date | PostingDate | The posting date that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Date | LastDueDateToPayReq | The last due date that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | Future | Indicates if the vendor ledger entry is in the future. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] Indicates if the vendor ledger entry is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeHandledVendLedgEntry(VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; LocGenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; HandledEntry: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" | VendorLedgerEntry | The vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "Gen. Journal Line" | LocGenJournalLine | The general journal line that is used to create the vendor ledger entry. |
Boolean | HandledEntry | [Pass by Reference] Indicates if the vendor ledger entry is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterGetVendLedgEntries(var VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; Vendor: Record Vendor; PostingDate: Date; LastDueDateToPayReq: Date; UsePriority: Boolean; UseDueDateAsPostingDate: Boolean; DueDateOffset: DateFormula; Positive: Boolean; Future: Boolean; PayableVendorLedgerEntry: Record "Payable Vendor Ledger Entry"; NextEntryNo: Integer)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" | VendorLedgerEntry | The vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record Vendor | Vendor | The vendor that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Date | PostingDate | The posting date that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Date | LastDueDateToPayReq | The last due date that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | UsePriority | Indicates if the priority is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | UseDueDateAsPostingDate | Indicates if the due date is used as the posting date to create the payment suggestion. |
DateFormula | DueDateOffset | The due date offset that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | Positive | Indicates if the vendor ledger entry is positive. |
Boolean | Future | Indicates if the vendor ledger entry is in the future. |
Record "Payable Vendor Ledger Entry" | PayableVendorLedgerEntry | The payable vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Integer | NextEntryNo | The next entry number that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeLoopPayableVendorLedgerEntry(var PayableVendorLedgerEntry: Record "Payable Vendor Ledger Entry"; var SummarizePerVend: Boolean);
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Payable Vendor Ledger Entry" | PayableVendorLedgerEntry | The payable vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | SummarizePerVend | [Pass by Reference] Indicates if the vendor ledger entries are summarized per vendor. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforePayableVendorLedgerEntryLoop(var PayableVendorLedgerEntry: Record "Payable Vendor Ledger Entry"; var OriginalAmountAvailable: Decimal; var AmountAvailable: Decimal; var StopPayments: Boolean; Future: Boolean; Vendor: Record Vendor; SummarizePerVendor: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Payable Vendor Ledger Entry" | PayableVendorLedgerEntry | The payable vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Decimal | OriginalAmountAvailable | [Pass by Reference] The original amount that is available for payment. |
Decimal | AmountAvailable | [Pass by Reference] The amount that is available for payment. |
Boolean | StopPayments | [Pass by Reference] Indicates if the payments are stopped. |
Boolean | Future | Indicates if the vendor ledger entry is in the future. |
Record Vendor | Vendor | The vendor that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | SummarizePerVendor | Indicates if the vendor ledger entries are summarized per vendor. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] Indicates if the vendor ledger entry is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
procedure OnCopyPayVendorLedgerEntryFromVendorLedgerEntry(var PayableVendorLedgerEntry: Record "Payable Vendor Ledger Entry"; VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry");
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Payable Vendor Ledger Entry" | PayableVendorLedgerEntry | The payable vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" | VendorLedgerEntry | The vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnUpdateTempNCPEPaymentBufferFromVendorLedgerEntry(var TempNCPEPaymentBuffer: Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" temporary; VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry")
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" temporary | TempNCPEPaymentBuffer | [Temporary] The temporary buffer that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" | VendorLedgerEntry | The vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterLoopPayableVendorLedgerEntry(var Vendor: Record Vendor; var CurrencyBalance: Decimal; GlobalLastDueDateToPay: Date; PostingDate: Date; UsePaymentDisc: Boolean; LastPmtDiscDateToPay: Date; NCPPaymentType: Option)
Type | Name | Description |
Record Vendor | Vendor | [Pass by Reference] The vendor that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Decimal | CurrencyBalance | [Pass by Reference] The currency balance that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Date | GlobalLastDueDateToPay | The global last due date that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Date | PostingDate | The posting date that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | UsePaymentDisc | Indicates if the payment discount is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Date | LastPmtDiscDateToPay | The last payment discount date that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Option | NCPPaymentType | The payment type that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
[IntegrationEvent(true, false)]
local procedure OnAfterOnPostVendorDataItem(var Vendor: Record Vendor;
GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line";
GenJournalBatch: Record "Gen. Journal Batch";
GenJournalTemplate: Record "Gen. Journal Template";
BankPmtType: Enum "Bank Payment Type";
NCPEPmtType: Option;
PostingDate: Date;
LastDueDateToPay: Date;
UsePaymentDisc: Boolean;
LastPmtDiscDateToPay: Date;
GenJournalLineInserted: Boolean;
LastLineNo: Integer;
NextDocNo: Code[20];
var Dialog: Dialog;
BalAccountType: Enum "Gen. Journal Account Type";
BalAccountNo: Code[20])
Type | Name | Description |
Record Vendor | Vendor | [Pass by Reference] The vendor that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "Gen. Journal Line" | GenJournalLine | The general journal line that is used to create the vendor ledger entry. |
Record "Gen. Journal Batch" | GenJournalBatch | The general journal batch that is used to create the vendor ledger entry. |
Record "Gen. Journal Template" | GenJournalTemplate | The general journal template that is used to create the vendor ledger entry. |
Enum "Bank Payment Type" | BankPmtType | The bank payment type that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Option | NCPEPmtType | The NCPE payment type that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Date | PostingDate | The posting date that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Date | LastDueDateToPay | The last due date that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | UsePaymentDisc | Indicates if the payment discount is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Date | LastPmtDiscDateToPay | The last payment discount date that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | GenJournalLineInserted | [Pass by Reference] Indicates if the general journal line is inserted. |
Integer | LastLineNo | The last line number that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Code[20] | NextDocNo | The next document number that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Dialog | Dialog | [Pass by Reference] The dialog that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Enum "Gen. Journal Account Type" | BalAccountType | The general journal account type that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Code[20] | BalAccountNo | The general journal account number that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeCheckBalance(Vendor: Record Vendor; Result: Boolean; IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record Vendor | Vendor | The vendor that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | Result | [Pass by Reference] The result of the function that determines if the balance is checked. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] Indicates if the balance is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeNCPEGetExternalBankAccount(var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line";
TempNCPEPaymentBuffer: Record "NCPE Payment Buffer";
NCPEPmtType: Option " ","Direct Debit Suggestion","Credit Transfer Suggestion","Non-SEPA Credit Transfer",,"SEPA Credit Transfer","SEPA Direct Debit";
CountryRegion: Record "Country/Region";
NCPBankAccountSetup: Record "NCP Bank Account Setup";
NCPESetup: Record "NCPE Setup";
ExternalBankAccountCode: Code[20];
IsHandled: Boolean);
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Gen. Journal Line" | GenJournalLine | The general journal line that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" | TempNCPEPaymentBuffer | The temporary buffer that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Option | NCPEPmtType | The NCPE payment type that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "Country/Region" | CountryRegion | The country/region that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "NCP Bank Account Setup" | NCPBankAccountSetup | The NCP bank account setup that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "NCPE Setup" | NCPESetup | The NCPE setup that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Code[20] | ExternalBankAccountCode | The external bank account code that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] Indicates if the external bank account is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeUpdateGnlJnlLineDimensionsFromTempNCPEPaymentBuffer(var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; TempNCPEPaymentBuffer: Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" temporary; SummarizePerVend: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Gen. Journal Line" | GenJournalLine | The general journal line that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" temporary | TempNCPEPaymentBuffer | [Temporary] The temporary buffer that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | SummarizePerVend | Indicates if the vendor ledger entries are summarized per vendor. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnMakeGenJnlLinesOnBeforeTempNCPEPaymentBufferInsertNonSummarize(var TempNCPEPaymentBuffer: Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" temporary; VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; SummarizePerVend: Boolean; NextDocNo: Code[20])
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" temporary | TempNCPEPaymentBuffer | [Temporary] The temporary buffer that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" | VendorLedgerEntry | The vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | SummarizePerVend | Indicates if the vendor ledger entries are summarized per vendor. |
Code[20] | NextDocNo | The next document number that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnMakeGenJnlLinesOnBeforeUpdateTempNCPEPaymentBufferAmounts(var TempNCPEPaymentBuffer: Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" temporary; VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; SummarizePerVend: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" temporary | TempNCPEPaymentBuffer | [Temporary] The temporary buffer that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" | VendorLedgerEntry | The vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | SummarizePerVend | Indicates if the vendor ledger entries are summarized per vendor. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeOnPreReportEvent(Customer: Record Customer; CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry")
Type | Name | Description |
Record Customer | Customer | The customer that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" | CustLedgerEntry | The customer ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterIncludeCustomer(Customer: Record Customer; CustomerBalance: Decimal; var Result: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record Customer | Customer | The customer that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Decimal | CustomerBalance | The balance of the customer that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | Result | [Pass by Reference] The result of the function that determines if the customer is included in the payment suggestion. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnGetCustLedgEntriesOnBeforeLoop(var CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; PostingDate: Date; LastDueDateToPayReq: Date; Future: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" | CustLedgerEntry | The customer ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Date | PostingDate | The posting date that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Date | LastDueDateToPayReq | The last due date that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | Future | Indicates if the customer ledger entry is in the future. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] Indicates if the customer ledger entry is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterGetCustLedgEntries(var CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry";
Customer: Record Customer;
PostingDate: Date;
LastDueDateToPayReq: Date;
UsePriority: Boolean;
UseDueDateAsPostingDate: Boolean;
DueDateOffset: DateFormula;
Positive: Boolean;
Future: Boolean;
PayableCustLedgerEntry: Record "NCPE Payable Cust. Ledg. Entry";
NextEntryNo: Integer)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" | CustLedgerEntry | The customer ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record Customer | Customer | The customer that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Date | PostingDate | The posting date that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Date | LastDueDateToPayReq | The last due date that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | UsePriority | Indicates if the priority is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | UseDueDateAsPostingDate | Indicates if the due date is used as the posting date to create the payment suggestion. |
DateFormula | DueDateOffset | The due date offset that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | Positive | Indicates if the customer ledger entry is positive. |
Boolean | Future | Indicates if the customer ledger entry is in the future. |
Record "NCPE Payable Cust. Ledg. Entry" | PayableCustLedgerEntry | The payable customer ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Integer | NextEntryNo | The next entry number that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforePayableCustomerLedgerEntryLoop(var NCPEPayableCustLedgEntry: Record "NCPE Payable Cust. Ledg. Entry";
var OriginalAmountAvailable: Decimal;
var AmountAvailable: Decimal;
var StopPayments: Boolean;
Future: Boolean;
Customer: Record Customer;
SummarizePerCust: Boolean;
var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NCPE Payable Cust. Ledg. Entry" | NCPEPayableCustLedgEntry | The payable customer ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Decimal | OriginalAmountAvailable | [Pass by Reference] The original amount that is available for payment. |
Decimal | AmountAvailable | [Pass by Reference] The amount that is available for payment. |
Boolean | StopPayments | [Pass by Reference] Indicates if the payments are stopped. |
Boolean | Future | Indicates if the customer ledger entry is in the future. |
Record Customer | Customer | The customer that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | SummarizePerCust | Indicates if the customer ledger entries are summarized per customer. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] Indicates if the customer ledger entry is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
procedure OnCopyPayableCustLedgerEntryFromCustLedgerEntry(var NCPEPayableCustLedgEntry: Record "NCPE Payable Cust. Ledg. Entry"; CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry");
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NCPE Payable Cust. Ledg. Entry" | NCPEPayableCustLedgEntry | The payable customer ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" | CustLedgerEntry | The customer ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeCheckBalance(Customer: Record Customer; Result: Boolean; IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record Customer | Customer | The customer that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | Result | [Pass by Reference] The result of the function that determines if the balance is checked. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] Indicates if the balance is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeUpdateGnlJnlLineDimensionsFromTempNCPEPaymentBuffer(var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; NCPEPaymentBuffer: Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" temporary; SummarizePerCust: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Gen. Journal Line" | GenJournalLine | The general journal line that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" temporary | NCPEPaymentBuffer | [Temporary] The temporary buffer that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | SummarizePerCust | Indicates if the customer ledger entries are summarized per customer. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnUpdateTempNCPEPaymentBufferFromCustomerLedgerEntry(var NCPEPaymentBuffer: Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" temporary; CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry")
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" temporary | NCPEPaymentBuffer | [Temporary] The temporary buffer that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" | CustLedgerEntry | The customer ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeVendorRemittanceInfoInsert(var NCPPaymentRemittanceEntry: Record "NCP Payment Remittance Entry"; OldVendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry")
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NCP Payment Remittance Entry" | NCPPaymentRemittanceEntry | The NCPE payment remittance entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" | OldVendorLedgerEntry | The old vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeCustomerRemittanceInfoInsert(var NCPPaymentRemittanceEntry: Record "NCP Payment Remittance Entry"; OldCustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry")
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NCP Payment Remittance Entry" | NCPPaymentRemittanceEntry | The NCPE payment remittance entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" | OldCustLedgerEntry | The old customer ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterCreateVendorRemittanceInfo(GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var NCPPaymentRemittanceEntry: Record "NCP Payment Remittance Entry"; OldVendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; NoOfRmtInfoTextLines: Integer; RmtInfLength: Integer)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Gen. Journal Line" | GenJournalLine | The general journal line that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "NCP Payment Remittance Entry" | NCPPaymentRemittanceEntry | The NCPE payment remittance entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" | OldVendorLedgerEntry | The old vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Integer | NoOfRmtInfoTextLines | The number of remittance information text lines that are used to create the payment suggestion. |
Integer | RmtInfLength | The length of the remittance information that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterCreateCustomerRemittanceInfo(GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var NCPPaymentRemittanceEntry: Record "NCP Payment Remittance Entry"; OldCustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry")
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Gen. Journal Line" | GenJournalLine | The general journal line that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "NCP Payment Remittance Entry" | NCPPaymentRemittanceEntry | The NCPE payment remittance entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" | OldCustLedgerEntry | The old customer ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnGenJournalLineCheck(GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line")
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Gen. Journal Line" | GenJournalLine | The general journal line that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeLoopWriteXMLLine(var TempNCPEXmlSchemaLine: Record "NCPE XML Schema Line" temporary; var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; Type: Option Header,OrderHeader,Line,OrderFooter,Footer; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NCPE XML Schema Line" temporary | TempNCPEXmlSchemaLine | [Temporary] The temporary XML schema line that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "Gen. Journal Line" | GenJournalLine | The general journal line that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Option | Type | The type of the XML schema line that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] Indicates if the XML schema line is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeWriteXMLLineToOutStream(var TempNCPEXMLSchemaLine: Record "NCPE XML Schema Line" temporary; var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; TXT: Text)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NCPE XML Schema Line" temporary | TempNCPEXMLSchemaLine | [Temporary] The temporary XML schema line that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "Gen. Journal Line" | GenJournalLine | The general journal line that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Text | TXT | The text that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterPaymentFileCreatedOnBeforeShowSummary(var SendingGenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var NCPClearingEntry: Record "NCP Clearing Entry"; var AutoSend: Boolean; var ProgressDialog: Dialog)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Gen. Journal Line" | SendingGenJournalLine | The sending general journal line that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Record "NCP Clearing Entry" | NCPClearingEntry | The NCPE clearing entry that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
Boolean | AutoSend | [Pass by Reference] Indicates if the payment file is sent automatically. |
Dialog | ProgressDialog | The progress dialog that is used to create the payment suggestion. |
NAVAX G/L Application G/L Application for selected G/L Accounts. More information AppSource |