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 Payment File Summary

2024/10/01 • 3 min. to read
After the action Create Payment File in the Journal has been successfully completed and a Payment File is created, the page Payment File Summary opens. Here, you can see, information about the created payment file, you can see at a glance which settings used and the amount for which the file was created. In addition, you can also see how many payment notifications have been created and whether the payment notifications have all been printed or sent.


Entry No. Views the entry number assigned to the clearing entry.
Creation Date Views the date when the payment file was created.
Payment Type Views the payment type of the payment file.
Bank Account No. Views the bank account number for which the payment file was created.
File Reference (Message Reference) Views the reference of the payment file.


The reference is generated from the current date and time when the payment file is created.
Amount Views the total of the amounts from all payment items.
Amount (LCY) Views the total of the amounts, in local currency, from all payment items.
No. of Payment Entries Views the number of payment entries relating to this clearing entry.
No. of Pmt. Notifications Views the number of notifications relating to this clearing entry.
Pmt. Notifications not Printed/Sent Views the number of printed notifications relating to this clearing entry.
No. of Bank Account Entries Views the number of bank account entries relating to this clearing entry.


  • Export Payment File

    With this action you can export the already created payment file. This will start the download of the file to your computer to import it into the banking software of your bank.
  • Show Payment File

    This action can be used to show the payment file that you have created in the payment journal with the action Create Payment File in a text editor. The file cannot be edited.
  • Void Payment File

    With this action a created Payment File can be voided. The status of the related Clearing Entry is set to Voided.
  • Payment Entries

    Opens the overview of the Payment Entries that refer to this Clearing Entry. For more information, see Archive, Payment Entries.
  • Bank Account Ledger Entries

    Opens the overview of the Bank Account Ledger Entries that refer to this Clearing Entry. For more information, see Archive, Bank Account Ledger Entries.
  • Clearing List

    This list gives you information about the created Clearing Entry.
  • Suggest E-Mail Notifications

    This list provides information about the created Payment Suggestion or the current situation (clearing etc.) in the journal.
  • Notification

    A payment notification is useful (especially for collective transfers) to make it easier for the recipient to identify the payments. After the Payment File has been created, you can print the Notification or send it by e-mail.

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