Evaluation Code | Specifies the code of the archived evaluation. |
Description | Specifies the description of the archived evaluation. |
Datumsfilter Berechnungsdatum | Zeigt das Datumsfilter Berechnungsdatum der archivierten Auswertung an. |
Archive No. | Specifies the number assigned to the archived evaluation. |
Date Archived | Specifies the date when the evaluation was archived. |
Time Archived | Specifies what time the evaluation was archived. |
Archived By | Specifies the user ID of the person who archived this evaluation. |
No. of Column Results | Specifies the number of the archived results. |
Archive Comment | Specifies a comment for the archived evaluation. |
Default Action | Specifies which action should be executed by default. |
If you click on the results in the evaluation matrix, the Chart of Cost Dimensions for the cost dimension of the line is opened with the corresponding filters of the line/column. The values in the Chart of Cost Dimensions are calculated or displayed based on the current cost entries. The result in the archived evaluation can therefore differ from the result in the Chart of Cost Dimensions.FinanzOnline VAT Reg. No. Validation VAT Reg. No. validation via the Austrian FinanzOnline (FON) service. More information AppSource |