| Docs
  • fiskaltrust POS Interface

    Business Central App • Sales, General
    Extension to meet legal national requirements for the fiscalization of POS systems.
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  • Excel Report Builder

    Business Central App • General, General
    Build Excel reports directly within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
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  • Finmatics Autonomous Accounting

    Business Central App • Purchase, General
    Interface for AI-driven document processing tool by Finmatics.
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  • NAVAX konfipay Connector Export

    Business Central App • Financial Management, General
    Connector between NCPE Payments Export and konfipay.
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  • NAVAX konfipay Connector Import

    Business Central App • Financial Management, General
    Connector between NCPI Payments Import and konfipay.
    AppSource|More information
  • NCB Balance

    Business Central App • Financial Management, General
    Create balance sheets as well as income statements according to the Accounting Act.
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  • NCCA Cost Accounting

    Business Central App • Financial Management, General
    Cost Accounting - up to 8 dimensions, allocations with many variants, comprehensive evaluations.
    AppSource|More information
  • NCCV Country Specific VAT Statements

    Business Central App • Financial Management, General
    Create VAT Statements for different countries within one company.
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  • NCDD Drag & Drop Document Attachments

    Business Central App • General, General
    Add Document Attachments by Drag & Drop via a Dropzone.
    AppSource|More information
  • NCDT Document Text

    Business Central App • General, General
    Advanced Extended Texts (beginning/ending/line texts) for sales, purchase and service documents.
    AppSource|More information
  • NCGLA G/L Application

    Business Central App • Financial Management, General
    Open item management for selected G/L Accounts.
    AppSource|More information
  • NCOSS One-Stop-Shop

    Business Central App • Financial Management, General
    Sales VAT statement and payment within the EU.
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  • NCPE Payments Export

    Business Central App • Financial Management, General
    Interface between your accounting and electronic banking (SEPA and non-SEPA).
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  • NCPI Payments Import

    Business Central App • Financial Management, General
    Interface between electronic banking and your accounting (camt.052, camt.053, camt.054).
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  • NCRC Recurring Contracts

    Business Central App • General, General
    Contracts for automated invoice creation and billing.
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  • NCVV VAT Registration No. Validation

    Business Central App • Financial Management, General
    VAT Reg. No. validation via the Austrian FinanzOnline (FON) validation service.
    AppSource|More information
  • NAVAX Extension Base

    Business Central App • Administration, General
    Basic functionality for NAVAX Extensions.
  • NAVAX konfipay Connector

    Business Central App • Financial Management, General
    Basic functionality for NAVAX konfipay Connector Export and NAVAX konfipay Connector Import.
  • NAVAX Help Builder

    Visual Studio Code Extension • General, General
    Online Help tool for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Extensions.
  • NVXAAU Advanced Approval Users

    Business Central Solution • General, Professional Services
    This app provides advanced functionality that allows to control the authorization, to modify or delete a purchase order or purchase invoice.
  • NVXAIC Advanced Item Copy

    Business Central Solution • Warehouse, Manufacturing
    Extends the standard "Copy item" functionality.
  • NVXAPM Advanced Price Management

    Business Central Solution • Purchase, Professional Services
    When purchasing orders are released, a purchase price list is created for each item and purchase prices and discounts are saved on a daily basis.
  • NVXAPO Adapt Production Order

    Business Central Solution • Manufacturing, Manufacturing
    Updates of production orders can also be carried out if postings are already available.
  • NVXAPP Automatic Picking for Production Orders

    Business Central Solution • Manufacturing, Manufacturing
    Automatic picking suggestion for production orders.
  • NVXASCD Auto Service Contract Dimension

    Business Central Solution • Service, Professional Services
    Automatic creation of dimensions for the service contract.
  • NVXASM Extended Service

    Business Central Solution • Service, Professional Services
    Extended service functionalities. See description for details.
  • NVXAZM Prepayment Module

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, Construction
    With this app prepayments, partial and final invoices can be done.
  • NVXBAOE BAO Export

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, General
    This app exports data from Microsoft Business Central in accordance with the tax amendment law $121 paragraph 3 and the federal tax code $132 paragraph 3.
  • NVXBBG BBG Interface

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, General
    Contains XMLPorts and Extensions for a BBG (Bundesbeschaffung GmbH) Interface.

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, General
    Manuel Interface to BMD.
  • NVXBMDWI BMD Wage Import

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, General
    This app is used for importing payroll data from BMD.
  • NVXBR Batch Release

    Business Central Solution • Sales, Trade
    Allows sales documents to be released in batches according to specific criteria.
  • NVXCCLC Customer Credit Limit Check

    Business Central Solution • Sales, Trade
    Credit limit check for sales documents with documentation of the approver and time.
  • NVXCCO Comment Codes

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, Trade
    Specify codes for comment lines and show specific comment lines from customers, vendors or items on documents.
  • NVXCFAC Copy Fixed Asset - Companies

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, General
    This app can be used to copy fixed assets from different companies.
  • NVXCIL Central Item List

    Business Central Solution • Warehouse, Trade
    Cross company overview of item inventory.
  • NVXCSRA Crossborder Services Report AT

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, General
    Extension of the AT report 11.111 Cross-border service so that the output can be grouped according to country code and then grouped within the country code according to the type of service with an additional XML data export.
  • NVXCW Catch Weight

    Business Central Solution • General, Trade
    The app enables the underdelivery of warehouse receipts within a definable tolerance.
  • NVXDAVP Disable Auto VAT Posting Setup

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, General
    This app disables the entry "G/L Account is missing in posting group or setup." in "My notifications" for all users.
  • NVXDISC Discounts 1 - 3

    Business Central Solution • Sales, Trade
    Allows up to 3 tier line discounts in sales lines.
  • NVXDIV Default Item Variant

    Business Central Solution • Warehouse, Manufacturing
    Offers the possibility to mark an item variant as a standard variant. When a specific item variant is marked as the default, it is displayed on the item card as a flowField.
  • NVXDMT Data Migration Tool

    Business Central Solution • General, General
    This app contains basic functions that are intended to support the start of real operation. This app is also part of the EasyStarter methodology.

    Business Central Solution • Administration, Trade
    Prüfung auf Gültige EAN Eingabe in das Feld GTIN am Artikel.
  • NVXEBI ebInterface Connector

    Business Central Solution • General, General
    This app can be used to send e-invoices in accordance with the Austrian ebInterface standard.
  • NVXECL Entry Comment Line

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, Trade
    Enter comments for General Ledger Entries, Customer Ledger Entries and Vendor Ledger Entries.
  • NVXEDPP Event-driven Procurement Proposal

    Business Central Solution • Manufacturing, Manufacturing
    Event-driven Requisition Worksheet and Planning Worksheet.
  • NVXEIT Extended Item Tracking Code

    Business Central Solution • Manufacturing, Manufacturing
    Additional display of the item tracking code in tables and pages as well as extended functionalities.
  • NVXEJB Extended Job Base

    Business Central Solution • Projects, Professional Services
    Extends the project functionalities.
  • NVXEP Extended Pages GL

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, General
    Extension of the standard pages for general ledger with standard fields.
  • NVXEPI Extended Pages Inventory

    Business Central Solution • Warehouse, Trade
    Extension of the standard pages of the inventory area with standard fields.
  • NVXEPM Extended Pages Manufacturing

    Business Central Solution • Manufacturing, Manufacturing
    Extension of the standard pages for production with standard fields.
  • NVXEPP Extended Pages Purchase

    Business Central Solution • Purchase, Trade
    Extension of the standard pages for purchase with standard fields.
  • NVXEPR Extended Phys. Inventory Recording

    Business Central Solution • Warehouse, General
    With this app, the Phys. Inventory List and the function Calculate Inventory are extended.
  • NVXEPS Extended Pages Sales

    Business Central Solution • Sales, Trade
    Extension of the standard pages for sales with standard fields.
  • NVXEPSE Extended Pages Service

    Business Central Solution • Service, Professional Services
    Extension of the standard pages for service with standard fields.
  • NVXEPWP Extended Posting Warehouse Pick

    Business Central Solution • Warehouse, Trade
    This app enables the automatic posting of non inventory items when posting an warehouse pick.
  • NVXETR Extended Time Recording

    Business Central Solution • Projects, Professional Services
    Extension of time recording to make it easier to enter working times.
  • NVXEXTE Extended Email

    Business Central Solution • General, General
    This app provides extended email information in standard pages and additional email functionality.
  • NVXFD Fixed Dimension

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, General
    Allows overriding the standard dimension determination for postings with predefined dimension values on an account.
  • NVXGAN GL Account Name 2

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, General
    Name 2 for G/L Accounts.
  • NVXGLSI GLS Interface

    Business Central Solution • Warehouse, Trade
    Provides an interface to send and receive data from gls.
  • NVXIAV Invoice Amount Verification

    Business Central Solution • Purchase, Professional Services
    Amount verification before posting a purchase invoice.
  • NVXIJI Excel Import Job Invoices

    Business Central Solution • Projects, Professional Services
    Import of Sales- and Purchase Invoices for Jobs with Excel.
  • NVXIR Inventory Reports

    Business Central Solution • Warehouse, Professional Services
    Report package for inventory.
  • NVXIRDT Item Reference Document Text

    Business Central Solution • Purchase, Trade
    Allows to use the item reference extended texts as document text lines.
  • NVXIRET Item Reference Extended Text

    Business Central Solution • Purchase, Trade
    Item Reference with Standard Text.
  • NVXITPP Item Tracking Prod. From Purchase

    Business Central Solution • Manufacturing, Manufacturing
    The item tracking of the production order can be opened and edited from the purchase order.
  • NVXIW Item Wizzard

    Business Central Solution • Administration, Professional Services
    Items can be created with a wizard (e.g. with own no. series).
  • NVXJBP Job Permissions

    Business Central Solution • Projects, Professional Services
    This app can be used to restrict read and access rights to Jobs.
  • NVXJSL Job SL Integration

    Business Central Solution • Projects, Professional Services
    Job related postings from a sales order.
  • NVXJWB Job Onward Billing

    Business Central Solution • Projects, Professional Services
    Job onward billing with surcharges.
  • NVXKSVA Item Additionals

    Business Central Solution • Sales, Trade
    Add additional sales line on the item with different quantity modifiers and add notifications to inform the user of additional lines.
  • NVXLDT Leadtime

    Business Central Solution • Manufacturing, Manufacturing
    The app calculates the expected lead times for items for up to 6 quantity scales on the basis of work plans and lead times per department.
  • NVXLNB Lot Numbers by Bin

    Business Central Solution • Warehouse, Trade
    Display of lot numberes according to locations and bins.
  • NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector

    Business Central Solution • Warehouse, Trade
    Interface to Shipping.NET logistics platform from OnDot.
  • NVXPBI Power BI Package

    Business Central Solution • General, General
    Provides additional APIs to form a connection to your Navax Power BI Datawarehouse.
  • NVXPDC Document and Posting Date Control

    Business Central Solution • Sales, Trade
    Set the document date or posting date to a defined value when posting a document.
  • NVXPOEP Production Order Evolution Permissions

    Business Central Solution • Manufacturing, Manufacturing
    The status of production orders can only be changed by certain people.
  • NVXPR Production Reports

    Business Central Solution • Manufacturing, Manufacturing
    Report package for production.
  • NVXRCP Reason Code in Purchase Documents

    Business Central Solution • Purchase, Trade
    The Reason Code field is available in different purchase documents.
  • NVXRCS Reason Code in Sales Documents

    Business Central Solution • Sales, Trade
    The Reason Code field is available in different sales documents.
  • NVXREKL Return Order Navigate

    Business Central Solution • Sales, Trade
    Internal return order number to link documents for a return order.
  • NVXRFP Reopen Finished Production Order

    Business Central Solution • Manufacturing, Manufacturing
    This app enables production orders that have already been completed to be opened.
  • NVXRPE Reminder per Entry

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, General
    Create Reminders per Customer Ledger Entry.
  • NVXRPL Replication

    Business Central Solution • General, Construction
    This app replicates master data between different companies of one or more BC databases. Industry Construction module .
  • NVXRSW Reclassification Suggestion Warehouse Picks

    Business Central Solution • Warehouse, Trade
    The app suggests item reclass. journal lines based on the warehouse pick Bins.
  • NVXSET Item Set

    Business Central Solution • Sales, Trade
    Selling Set Items that consist of a bill of materials of items and resources.
  • NVXSHCO Shipping Cost

    Business Central Solution • Sales, Trade
    Add and set up automatically inserted shipping cost on sales documents.
  • NVXSOTP Sales Order to Pick

    Business Central Solution • Sales, Trade
    Own sales order list with information about the pickable status of the items.
  • NVXSPO Subcontracting Prod. Orders

    Business Central Solution • Manufacturing, Manufacturing
    Purchasing is enabled to generate released production orders for certain items that are manufactured by external work, despite the lack of access rights to production. A location code predefined for the article is used.
  • NVXSQA Swiss QR Billing

    Business Central Solution • Sales, Trade
    QR-Bill Management in Business Central. This extension is based on the Microsoft Business Central App "QR-Bill Management for Switzerland".
  • NVXSSD Send Service Documents

    Business Central Solution • Service, Professional Services
    Send service documents like sales documents.
  • NVXSTOR Store Order

    Business Central Solution • Warehouse, Trade
    Quickly create transfer orders between storage locations based on stockkeeping units.
  • NVXVMA Variant Mandatory

    Business Central Solution • Manufacturing, Manufacturing
    Variant Code Mandatory for production order components when changing the status of production orders.
  • NVXCFT Cloud File Transfer

    Business Central Solution • General, General
    This app is comparable to a library and is used for file transfer in BC.
  • NVXGRL General Report Library

    Business Central Solution • General, General
    This app contains various functionalities that can be helpful in report development.
  • NVXPFT OnPremise File Transfer

    Business Central Solution • General, General
    Cloud File Transfer for OnPremise installations for direct file access.
  • NVXSUL Serialization Utility Library

    Business Central Solution • General, General
    Library App for serializing complex AL Types.
  • NVXWUL Web Utility Library

    Business Central Solution • General, General
    Library App for Web Authorization and Messages.
  • NVXZPL ZPL Printer Management Base

    Business Central Solution • General, General
    Provides base functionality to interface with ZPL printers.
  • NVXZPLTS ZPL Printer Management TCP Socket

    Business Central Solution • General, General
    Provides the functionality to control a ZPL printer via TCP IP.
  • NVXZPLZC ZPL Printer Management Zebra Cloud

    Business Central Solution • General, General
    Provides the functionality to control a ZPL printer via Zebra Cloud.
  • NCB Balance

    Dynamics NAV AddOn • Financial Management, General
    Create balance sheets as well as income statements according to the Accounting Act.
  • NCC Cube

    Dynamics NAV AddOn • General, General
    Excel-based reporting tool for Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
  • NCCR Cash Register

    Dynamics NAV AddOn • Sales, General
    AddOn to meet legal national requirements for the fiscalization of POS systems.
  • NCGLA G/L Adjustment

    Dynamics NAV AddOn • Financial Management, General
    Open item management for selected G/L Accounts.
  • NCKR Cost Accounting

    Dynamics NAV AddOn • Financial Management, General
  • NCP Payments

    Dynamics NAV AddOn • Financial Management, General
    Create payment files for your bank and import files from your bank.
  • NCT Tax

    Dynamics NAV AddOn • Financial Management, General
    Input Tax Refund and VAT Reg. No. Verification.
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