NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector
Interface to Shipping.NET logistics platform from OnDot.
Current Version: as of Business Central
☰ Contents
- Extended Setup
To guarantee that the shipping processes run efficiently, it is important that all the necessary settings are configured correctly. This includes, among other things, the shipping agent, printer, tariff and shipping costs settings as well as web messages... - Ondot Shipping.Net Printer Setup
The printer setup should be able to print shipping labels needed for efficient shipping. Users and their corresponding printer names can be created in the configuration. For example, a user ID such as PSTATION01 can be created, which is associated with the corresponding printer name LStation01... - Shipping Agent Setup
The shipping agent setup enables the management of different shipping agents... - OSC Shipping Cost Setup
Shipping and packaging costs can be transferred individually to shipping.net using the following table and are not exported as an item line. In this table, the customer can create any number of items as shipping costs. This can be useful for a new shipping method. The shipping costs, if available, are always sent to shipping.net via Web Request, regardless of the item ordered. However, if this is not desired, it can be edited using the Boolean field: Send shipping costs as CustomsAdditionalCostList... - Ondot Shipping.Net Connector Setup
- Tariff Setup
The implementation of a Tariff setup offers the opportunity to optimize shipping processes according to the individual regulations of the respective destination country and to ensure legally compliant compliance with the valid customs and tax regulations... - Retention Policy
A separate retention policy has been provided for the Ondot Shipping.Net Files...
Page Extensions