| Docs
  • NAVAX konfipay Connector Export

    Business Central App • Financial Management, General
    Connector between NCPE Payments Export and konfipay.
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  • NAVAX konfipay Connector Import

    Business Central App • Financial Management, General
    Connector between NCPI Payments Import and konfipay.
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  • NCB Balance

    Business Central App • Financial Management, General
    Create balance sheets as well as income statements according to the Accounting Act.
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  • NCCA Cost Accounting

    Business Central App • Financial Management, General
    Cost Accounting - up to 8 dimensions, allocations with many variants, comprehensive evaluations.
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  • NCCV Country Specific VAT Statements

    Business Central App • Financial Management, General
    Create VAT Statements for different countries within one company.
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  • NCGLA G/L Application

    Business Central App • Financial Management, General
    Open item management for selected G/L Accounts.
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  • NCOSS One-Stop-Shop

    Business Central App • Financial Management, General
    Sales VAT statement and payment within the EU.
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  • NCPE Payments Export

    Business Central App • Financial Management, General
    Interface between your accounting and electronic banking (SEPA and non-SEPA).
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  • NCPI Payments Import

    Business Central App • Financial Management, General
    Interface between electronic banking and your accounting (camt.052, camt.053, camt.054).
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  • NCVV VAT Registration No. Validation

    Business Central App • Financial Management, General
    VAT Reg. No. validation via the Austrian FinanzOnline (FON) validation service.
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  • NAVAX konfipay Connector

    Business Central App • Financial Management, General
    Basic functionality for NAVAX konfipay Connector Export and NAVAX konfipay Connector Import.
  • NVXAZM Prepayment Module

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, Construction
    With this app prepayments, partial and final invoices can be done.
  • NVXBAOE BAO Export

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, General
    This app exports data from Microsoft Business Central in accordance with the tax amendment law $121 paragraph 3 and the federal tax code $132 paragraph 3.
  • NVXBBG BBG Interface

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, General
    Contains XMLPorts and Extensions for a BBG (Bundesbeschaffung GmbH) Interface.

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, General
    Manuel Interface to BMD.
  • NVXBMDWI BMD Wage Import

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, General
    This app is used for importing payroll data from BMD.
  • NVXCCO Comment Codes

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, Trade
    Specify codes for comment lines and show specific comment lines from customers, vendors or items on documents.
  • NVXCFAC Copy Fixed Asset - Companies

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, General
    This app can be used to copy fixed assets from different companies.
  • NVXCSRA Crossborder Services Report AT

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, General
    Extension of the AT report 11.111 Cross-border service so that the output can be grouped according to country code and then grouped within the country code according to the type of service with an additional XML data export.
  • NVXDAVP Disable Auto VAT Posting Setup

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, General
    This app disables the entry "G/L Account is missing in posting group or setup." in "My notifications" for all users.
  • NVXECL Entry Comment Line

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, Trade
    Enter comments for General Ledger Entries, Customer Ledger Entries and Vendor Ledger Entries.
  • NVXEP Extended Pages GL

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, General
    Extension of the standard pages for general ledger with standard fields.
  • NVXFD Fixed Dimension

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, General
    Allows overriding the standard dimension determination for postings with predefined dimension values on an account.
  • NVXGAN GL Account Name 2

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, General
    Name 2 for G/L Accounts.
  • NVXRPE Reminder per Entry

    Business Central Solution • Financial Management, General
    Create Reminders per Customer Ledger Entry.
  • NCB Balance

    Dynamics NAV AddOn • Financial Management, General
    Create balance sheets as well as income statements according to the Accounting Act.
  • NCGLA G/L Adjustment

    Dynamics NAV AddOn • Financial Management, General
    Open item management for selected G/L Accounts.
  • NCKR Cost Accounting

    Dynamics NAV AddOn • Financial Management, General
  • NCP Payments

    Dynamics NAV AddOn • Financial Management, General
    Create payment files for your bank and import files from your bank.
  • NCT Tax

    Dynamics NAV AddOn • Financial Management, General
    Input Tax Refund and VAT Reg. No. Verification.
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