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 Topic Links & External Links

2023/12/31 • 2 min. to read

Topic Links


The following approach is no longer recommended for topic links. Use the index-driven approach instead. For a better understanding of the index-driven approach, we recommend reading this topic anyway.
Links between the help topics can be added using the snippet _TopicLink. The _TopicLinkMoreInfo snippet can be used to add links which are later preceded by the language-dependent text "For more information, see". In both cases, the name of the help file must be specified in quotes and without the .nchb file extension. Example:
<link "ReleaseNotes">Appendix, Release Notes</link>
It is also possible to link help topics from other help projects as if they were part of the current help project. To do this, the AppID of the linked help project must be specified in square brackets before the file name of the linked help file. Example:
<link "[NCEX]ReleaseNotes">Appendix, Release Notes from the NAVAX Extension Base</link>

External Links

Links to other external sources can be added using the _ExternalLink snippets. It is also possible to link external sources via standard HTML. To make sure that the formatting matches the rest of the help, class="HELP" should be specified in the link.


The following snippets are available:
<link "TODO_nchbFileName">TODO_TopicLinkText</link>
Result: TODO_TopicLinkText
<more "TODO_nchbFileName">TODO_TopicLinkText</more>
Result: For more information, see TODO_TopicLinkText.


</more> automatically adds a dot to the end of the link. This can be prevented by using </more+>
<linkexternal "https://www.navax.com">www.navax.com</linkexternal>
Result: www.navax.com
<moreexternal "https://www.navax.com">www.navax.com</moreexternal>
Result: For more information, see www.navax.com


</moreexternal> automatically adds a dot to the end of the link. This can be prevented by using </moreexternal+>

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