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Docs  /  fiskaltrust POS Interface  /  Information for Developers


2024/05/08 • 3 min. to read
By default, cash register data is integrated into the following reports via reportextensions:
Report IDReport Name
1306Sales - Invoice
1307Sales - Credit Memo
5911Service - Invoice
5912Service - Credit Memo
Through custom programming, the cash register data can also be integrated into other reports based on the same posted tables. The following example serves as a template or guide for integration in other reports and shows how the Cash Register is integrated in Report 1306 "Standard Sales - Invoice". Code and layout of the example can be downloaded here: NCCRStandardSalesInvoice_20231219.zip


The fiskaltrust POS Interface was developed with the prefix "NCCR". NCCR stands for NAVAX Consulting Cash Register.


reportextension 70167825 "NCCR Standard Sales - Invoice" extends "Standard Sales - Invoice"
            column(NCCRDataExists; NCCRReportDataMgt.GetSalesInvoiceNCCRData(Header))
            column(NCCRPosting; Header."NCCR Posting")
            column(NCCRHeader; NCCRReportDataMgt.GetTempNCCRHeader())
            column(NCCRFooter; NCCRReportDataMgt.GetTempNCCRFooter())
            column(NCCRPaymentAmount; NCCRReportDataMgt.GetNCCRPaymentAmount())
                AutoFormatExpression = Header."Currency Code";
            column(NCCRPaymentAmountText; NCCRReportDataMgt.GetNCCRPaymentAmountText())
            column(NCCRPaymentDiscountAmount; NCCRReportDataMgt.GetNCCRPaymentDiscountAmount())
                AutoFormatExpression = Header."Currency Code";
            column(NCCRPaymentDiscountAmountText; NCCRReportDataMgt.GetNCCRPaymentDiscountAmountText())

            dataitem(NCCRQRCode; Integer)
                DataItemTableView = sorting(Number);

                column(NCCRQRNumber; Number)
                column(NCCRQRText; TempSignatureNCCREntryDocumentData.GetData())
                column(NCCRQRImage; TempSignatureNCCREntryDocumentData."QR Code")
                column(NCCRQRImageHasValue; TempSignatureNCCREntryDocumentData."QR Code".HasValue())
                column(NCCRQRSize; Format(TempSignatureNCCREntryDocumentData."QR Code Size", 0, 2))

                trigger OnPreDataItem()
                    SetRange(Number, 1, TempSignatureNCCREntryDocumentData.Count());

                trigger OnAfterGetRecord()
                    if (Number = 1) then
                    TempSignatureNCCREntryDocumentData.CalcFields("QR Code");

        layout("NCCR Default Layout")
            Type = RDLC;
            LayoutFile = './src/reportext/NCCRStandardSalesInvoice.rdlc';
            Caption = 'Cash Register Default Layout', Comment = 'DEU="Registrierkasse Standardlayout"';

        TempSignatureNCCREntryDocumentData: Record "NCCR Entry Document Data" temporary;
        NCCRReportDataMgt: Codeunit "NCCR Report Data Mgt.";


All layout changes required for the Cash Register can be found at the end of the report: To integrate the cash register data or these layout changes into another report, proceed as follows:
  1. Download the sample files using the link earlier in this topic.
  2. Open the NCCRStandardSalesInvoice.rdlc file.


    Change the file extension to .rdl if you cannot edit .rdlc files.
  3. The cash register data or layout changes are composed of the 4 sub-areas NCCRHeaderTable, NCCRPaymentTable, NCCRQRTable and NCCRFooterTable. Select all 4 areas from NCCRHeader to NCCRFooter: When all 4 areas are selected, 4 move icons should be displayed:

  4. Copy the selected area.
  5. Open the layout of the report into which the layout changes are to be integrated.
  6. Create enough space at the end of the report and insert the changes.

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