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Document Text Setup

2024/04/11 • 5 min. to read
Before you can fully leverage the full range of capabilities of NCDT Document Text, it is crucial to set up the basic functionality. The NCDT Document Text Setup page provides you with the opportunity to define the general settings and preferences to ensure that the application is tailored to your needs. By precisely configuring the settings, NCDT Document Text enables you to efficiently manage and customize additional texts for sales, purchase, and service documents in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. This not only enhances flexibility and individuality but also improves productivity and professionalism in your business processes.

General, Fields

Document Texts Activated Specifies whether the NCDT Document Text extension is activated and should automatically insert the configured document texts when a document is created. If this field is activated, the NCDT Document Text extension will handle the insertion of document texts. If it is deactivated, the standard feature for extended text in Business Central will be used instead.
Copy Document with Texts Das Feld Belege mit Texten kopieren ermöglicht es Ihnen, Belege zusammen mit den zugehörigen Texten zu kopieren. Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, werden alle Texte, die mit dem Originalbeleg verknüpft sind, ebenfalls in den kopierten Beleg übernommen. Dies ist besonders nützlich, wenn Sie komplexe oder umfangreiche Belege erstellen und sicherstellen möchten, dass alle relevanten Informationen und Anmerkungen auf den neuen Beleg übertragen werden. Durch diese Funktion sparen Sie Zeit und minimieren das Risiko von Informationsverlusten, während Sie gleichzeitig die Konsistenz und Genauigkeit Ihrer Dokumente sicherstellen.
Copy Documents with Texts The Copy Documents with Texts field allows you to copy documents along with their associated texts. When this option is enabled, all texts linked to the original document will also be copied to the new document. This is particularly useful when creating complex or extensive documents and you want to ensure that all relevant information and annotations are transferred to the new document. This feature saves time and minimizes the risk of information loss while ensuring the consistency and accuracy of your documents.
Print Item Attribute The field Print Item Attribute specifies whether existing item attribute texts should also be printed on documents. Item attributes allow the definition of various characteristics or properties for items, with the possibility of setting different translations for these attributes. If this option is enabled, the corresponding item attribute texts will be printed on the documents in the selected language. This allows you to present the detailed properties of an item in different languages directly on the documents, facilitating communication with customers, suppliers, or internal users and enhancing usability. For more information, see Work with item attributes

Default Text Formatting, Fields

Textzeilen mit Vorgaben erstellenSpecifies whether to create text lines with the values from the Last Line or with the default values from the NCDT Document Text Setup, in the Default Text Formatting area. Following options are available:
  • From Last Line - if the option is enabled, new text lines are created with the formatting of the previous line.
  • From Setup - new text lines are created with the formatting that has been defined in the NCDT Document Text Setup in the Default Text Formatting section.
Default Font FamilySpecifies which Font Family to use as the default. Newly created lines will have this value configured automatically.
Default Font SizeSpecifies which Font Size to use as the default. Newly created lines will have this value configured automatically.
Default Font ColorSpecifies which Font Color to use as the default. Newly created lines will have this value configured automatically.
Default ParagraphSpecifies which Paragraph to use as the default. Newly created lines will have this value configured automatically.
Bold by defaultSpecifies whether newly created lines should get bold as default value.
Italic by defaultSpecifies whether newly created lines should get Italic as default value.
For more information on formatting options and default formatting, see: Setup, Extended Text in the section Formatting Texts.


  • Standard Text Codes

    The action opens the Standard Text Codes page where you can define and set up general texts that can be used in different areas.
  • Payment Terms

    Sets up the extended texts for payment terms that will be inserted on the payment terms for your customers.
  • Shipment Methods

    Sets up the extended texts for shipment methods to be inserted on delivery bills for your customers.
  • Reminder Terms

    Set up extended texts for reminder terms to be inserted on reminders.
  • Fin. Charge Terms

    Set up extended texts for finance charge terms to be inserted on the documents in case of late payment by the customer."
  • Service Order Types

    The extended texts for service order types are set up here, that can be inserted on service orders, service contracts or contract quotations.
  • Service Contract Group

    The extended texts for service contract groups are set up here, that can be inserted on service orders, service contracts or contract quotations.
  • Standard Service Codes

    The extended texts for standard service codes are set up here, that can be inserted on service orders, service contracts or contract quotations.

System, Actions

  • NAVAX License Management

    Opens the NAVAX License Management which displays the current license status of the NAVAX extensions. For more information, see Appendix, NAVAX License Management.

See also

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