Posting Date | Specifies the posting date of the G/L Entry. |
Document Type | Specifies the document type of the G/L Entry. |
Document No. | Specifies the document number of the transaction that created the entry. |
Description | Specifies the description of the G/L Entry. |
External Document No. | Specifies the entry's external document number, such as a vendor's invoice number. |
Global Dimension 1 Code | Specifies the code for the global dimension that is linked to the record or entry for analysis purposes. |
Global Dimension 2 Code | Specifies the code for the global dimension that is linked to the record or entry for analysis purposes. |
GLA Original Amount | Specifies the amount of the original entry. |
Amount | Specifies the amount of the G/L Entry. |
GLA Remaining Amount | Specifies the amount that remains to be applied to before the entry has been completely applied. |
GLA Open | Specifies whether the amount on the entry has been fully paid or there is still a remaining amount that must be applied to. |
Debit Amount | Specifies the total of the entries that represent debits. |
Credit Amount | Specifies the total of the entries that represent credits. |
GLA Closed by Amount | Specifies the amount that the entry was finally applied to (closed) with. |
User ID | Specifies the ID of the user who posted the entry. |
Source Code | Specifies the source code that specifies where the entry was created. |
Reason Code | Specifies the reason code, a supplementary source code that enables you to trace the entry. |
Entry No. | Specifies the number assigned to the entry. |
NCCA Cost Accounting Cost Accounting - up to 8 dimensions, allocations with many variants, comprehensive evaluations. More information AppSource |