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 Excel Report Builder Setup

2024/06/26 • 3 min. to read
In the Excel Report Builder Setup page the general settings and defaults for the Excel Report Builder are defined.


For licensing, calling the online help and performing some actions, access to https://www.navax.app must be allowed. For more information, see Appendix, Installation Notes.

General, Fields

File NameSpecifies a default file name for the evaluations. It is possible to specify IDs (placeholders) in the file name that will be replaced by actual values when the evaluation is executed. The IDs can be selected via a lookup. If the field is empty, a file name is generated by the system.


In addition to the available IDs, the lookup also shows a preview based on the currently specified IDs.
Disable OneDriveSpecifies whether the OneDrive integration (Actions Open in OneDrive and Share) should be disabled in the evaluations. For more information, see Execute Evaluations, Execute Excel Evaluation.
Small Formula Input AreaSpecifies whether the input area for formulas should be smaller. For more information, see Edit Evaluations, Data Sheets, Formulas.
Archive SizeThis can be used to limit the maximum number of archive entries per user for evaluations where no archive size is specified.

Default Styles, Fields

Excel TableSpecifies a default style for the Excel Tables of the evaluations.
PivotTableSpecifies a default style for the PivotTables of the evaluations.
Classic PivotTable LayoutSpecifies whether the PivotTable should be created in Classic Layout by default. The Classic Layout enables dragging of fields in the grid.
SlicerSpecifies a default style for the PivotTable Slicers of the evaluations.
TimelineSpecifies a default style for the PivotTable Timelines of the evaluations.

Setup, Actions

  • Excel Functions

    View or set up the Excel Functions for the Excel Evaluations. For more information, see Setup, Excel Functions.
  • Evaluation Groups

    View or set up the Groups for the Excel Evaluations. For more information, see Setup, Evaluation Groups.

System, Actions

  • NAVAX License Management

    Opens the NAVAX License Management which displays the current license status of the NAVAX extensions. For more information, see Appendix, NAVAX License Management.
  • Blocked Tables

    Here you can specify tables that are not allowed in Excel Evaluations. For more information, see Setup, Blocked Tables.
  • Translate all Excel Functions

    This action can be used to translate the Excel Function names in the Formulas of all evaluations into English Excel Function names after upgrading the old NC Cube version to Business Central.


    • Only users with the SUPER permission set can perform this action.
    • The action should only be executed once per client. If you translate German Formulas, for example, the option Replace Semicolons in Formulas is also set by default. If you run the translation again, the semicolons that were replaced by commas the first time will be incorrectly replaced by dots.

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