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Docs  /  Excel Report Builder  /  Appendix

 System Requirements & Limits

2023/12/01 • 2 min. to read
To execute an evaluation or create an Excel workbook, Excel is not required and therefore does not need to be installed. However, in order for a user to open and view a created Excel workbook, a corresponding program must be installed.


Basically, for opening and viewing an Excel workbook Excel 2016 or a newer version is recommended.


  • Excel 2013, Excel 2010

  • Excel 2007

    • No slicers in PivotTables available
  • OpenOffice

    • No slicers in PivotTables available
    • More limited graphical display options


The specifications and limits of Microsoft Excel apply. For more information, see Excel specifications and limits Additional restrictions:
  • A maximum of 500 Excel Columns can be defined per Data Sheet.

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