Finmatics Environment | Specifies whether the Finmatics production environment or the Finmatics test environment should be used. |
Real Data Permission | Indicates whether data may be sent from the current Business Central environment to the Finmatics production environment. This additional security level prevents test data from being accidentally interpreted as real data. Click on the field to manage the Permissions.
For more information, see Setup, Real Data Permissions.
Important When granting a real data permission, please check whether the current Business Central Company is linked to the correct Finmatics Client (Field: Client ID). Make sure that several Business Central Companies are not accidentally linked to the same Finmatics Client. Especially if a company or database has been copied or a sandbox has been created from a production environment. |
Username | Specifies the Username for the Finmatics service. For more information, see General, Finmatics Access Data. |
Password | Specifies the Password for the Finmatics service. For more information, see General, Finmatics Access Data. |
Timeout (Milliseconds) | Specifies the length of time in milliseconds that the service is allowed to use, before aborting with an error. |
Company ID | Specifies which Finmatics Company (Organization) should be used. Finmatics Companies are created by Finmatics and set up for Business Central (System BC or ID 37). Each Company has a unique ID. The Companies can be managed via the Finmatics Web Frontend. Several Finmatics Clients can be subordinated to one Finmatics Company. Click on the AssistEdit button of the field to select from already existing Finmatics Companies. |
Client ID | Specifies to which Finmatics Client the current Business Central Company is linked. Click on the AssistEdit button of the field to set up the link.
If no Finmatics Clients exist yet, a message appears and you can create a new Finmatics Client directly.
New Finmatics Clients can also be created on the selection page via the Create Finmatics Client action.
Note The Finmatics Clients are created based on the Company Information of the current Business Central Company. The following fields are considered:
Status | The status fields indicate whether the Master Data is activated.
Note Most of the Finmatics Autonomous Accounting actions can only be executed after the required Finmatics Master Data (Vendors and at least G/L Accounts or Items) have been activated and synchronized. |
Auto. synchronize | These fields specify whether the Master Data should be synchronized automatically when changes are made that affect the Finmatics Master Data. If the field is enabled, a Job Queue is automatically started which updates the data at Finmatics with a delay of max. 5 minutes. |
G/L Account No. and Item No. Prefix | Specifies a prefix (e.g. A_ for G/L Accounts and I_ for Items) which is added to the accounts at Finmatics. G/L Accounts and Items in Business Central can both be synchronized with the Accounts at Finmatics. If a G/L Account uses the same number as an Item, there will be overlaps. Assign a prefix to avoid these overlaps. |
Determine Document Dimensions via 1st Line | Specifies whether the dimensions of the document (header) are to be determined via the 1st document line. |
Transfer blank Dim. Codes | These fields specify whether empty dimension values in incoming Finmatics Documents should overwrite or remove any existing default values in Business Central. |
Purch. Booking Type ID | Specifies to which Finmatics Booking Type the purchase documents are linked. Finmatics Booking Types are categories to which the various documents at Finmatics are assigned. Click on the AssistEdit button of the field to select from already existing Finmatics Booking Types. |
Training Data uploaded | Finmatics is machine-learning-driven and requires training data to generate good results. This field indicates whether training data has been uploaded to Finmatics. For more information, see Setup, Training Data. |
Document Attachment | Specifies which file should be added as a document attachment when creating a document in Business Central. Finmatics provides each document in PDF format. Optionally, the original file sent to Finmatics (e.g. an image file) is also available. |
Amount Control | Specifies whether the Amount Control should only be performed for Finmatics Documents or for all Documents when posting a Purchase Invoice or a Purchase Credit Memo. When posting, the Amount Control checks whether the Total Amount Incl. VAT of the document matches the value in the Finmatics Control Amount Incl. VAT field. For more information, see Working with the App, Purchase Documents. |
Determine Posting Description via 1st Line | Specifies whether the posting description of the document (header) is to be determined via the 1st document line if the posting text of the Finmatics Document is empty. |
Auto. Receive Documents Status | Indicates whether a job queue is set up to automatically receive incoming Finmatics Documents. If a job queue exists, its current status is displayed. Click on the field to set up, manage or view the Job Queue. |
Auto. Create Purch. Documents | Specifies whether the automatic document receipt should create incoming Finmatics Documents in Business Central when they are ready to be created.
Note Only Finmatics Documents with Status Verified are considered. Documents with Status Verified - Check Value(s) are not created automatically. |
Delete Service Log Date Calculation | Specifies the time period for deleting service log entries. If the field is empty, the period is assumed to be 1M (1 month). For more information, see Archive, Finmatics Service Log. |
Auto. Delete Service Log | Specifies whether to automatically delete all service log entries older than the period specified in the Delete Service Log Date Calculation field when creating new entries. |
Log Service Requests | Specifies whether to store the data sent to the service. |
Log Service Responses | Specifies whether the data returned by the service should be stored. |