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Manuel Interface to BMD.

Current Version: as of Business Central 16.


Creation date: 2025/02/28
The current version of this manual can be found at:

☰ Contents


  • App BMD
    Contains the general description of the app in 2 - 3 sentences...


  • BMD Setup
    The basic parameters for data exchange with BMD are defined with the help of the Setup menu item...
  • Vat Posting Setup
    In the VAT Posting Setup, each combination of VAT Bus. Posting Group and VAT Prod. Posting Goup it have to be defined how this tax information is to be transferred to BMD when exporting the G/L items...
  • Country/Region to Cession Note
    In this table you define the standard cession indicators for different countries...
  • Payment Terms
    In the payment terms table, you can define for each payment term code which code should be used for the dunning block in BMD. This can be used for credit card payments, cash payments, etc., for example...
  • Customer Posting Groups
    A separate clientele for BMD can be specified for a customer posting group...
  • Vendor Posting Groups
    You can specify a own clientele for BMD for a Vendor Posting Group...


  • Working with the App
    As explained in General, three core functions can be performed using the BMD interface...
  • BMD Menue Card
    Aus dem BMD Menü können alle BMD relevanten Einrichtungen, Aktionen und Daten aufgerufen werden...
  • BMD Customer/Vendor List
    The master data provided for the export can be viewed on the BMD debtors/creditors overview page...
  • BMD Update Customer/Vendor Data
    This function can be used to propose master records for export. It is also possible not only to provide master data that has changed since the last export, but also any data...
  • BMD Posting List
    The BMD Entries Overview page can be used to view the entries made available for export...
  • BMD Provide Postings
    The entries to be exported are transferred to the BMD Postings List using the provide postings function...
  • BMD Import Wage Data
    With this function, a payroll file provided by BMD can be imported into a BC general journal. The journal can then be edited and/or posted...
  • BMD Log List
    All imports and exports are managed with this mask and .csv files can be exported. Individual entries can be processed here...


  • Release Notes

Docs  /  NVXBMD BMD  /  General
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Docs  /  NVXBMD BMD  /  Setup
BMD Setup

The basic parameters for data exchange with BMD are defined with the help of the Setup menu item.

General, Fields

Show WageData MenueSpecifies the value of the Show WageData Menue field.
Dimension Code Cost CenterSpecifies the value of the Dimension Code Cost Center field.
Dimension Code Cost UnitSpecifies the value of the Dimension Code Cost Unit field.
Autom. Update BMD Customer/Vendor DataSpecifies if the Customer/Vendor table for BMD Export should be updated automatically at change of base data.
Dflt. Cust. Cession NoteSpecifies the default cession note code for the customer. These cession notes can be overwritten by the countries/regions.
Dflt. Vend. Cession NoteSpecifies the default cession note code for the vendor. These cession notes can be overwritten by the countries/regions.

Docs  /  NVXBMD BMD  /  Setup
VAT Posting Setup

In the VAT Posting Setup, each combination of VAT Bus. Posting Group and VAT Prod. Posting Goup it have to be defined how this tax information is to be transferred to BMD when exporting the G/L items.


BMD Tax Code for SalesSpecifies the tax code for sales. This value will be used for the entry export to BMD.
BMD Tax Code for PurchaseSpecifies the tax code for purchase. This value will be used for the entry export to BMD.

Docs  /  NVXBMD BMD  /  Setup
Country/Region to Cession Note

In this table you define the standard cession indicators for different countries.


Country/Region CodeSpecifies the code for the country/region.
Customer Cession NoteSpecifies the code for the cession note of customers from this country.
Vendor Cession NoteSpecifies the code for the cession note of vendors from this country.

Docs  /  NVXBMD BMD  /  Setup
Payment Terms

In the payment terms table, you can define for each payment term code which code should be used for the dunning block in BMD. This can be used for credit card payments, cash payments, etc., for example.


On Hold BMDSpecifies the default value for on hold for a sales document. This field is used to define the on hold value for the bmd interface.

Docs  /  NVXBMD BMD  /  Setup
Customer Posting Groups

A separate clientele for BMD can be specified for a customer posting group.


Clientele BMDSpecifies the BMD clientele. The account group to which the account is assigned is stored in the customer or supplier group number field. The customers are divided into groups under FIBU - master data - account groups. By default (company 100 standard account framework) there are three customer groups - it can be e.g. For example, a subdivision into domestic, EU and foreign countries can be made. Which account falls into which group is determined in the number groups. The deposits in the fixed accounts decide which group is posted to which collective account. If no suitable account range or number range can be determined, you will receive a corresponding message in the logs.

Docs  /  NVXBMD BMD  /  Setup
Vendor Posting Group

You can specify a own clientele for BMD for a Vendor Posting Group.


Clientele BMDSpecifies the BMD clientele. The account group to which the account is assigned is stored in the customer or supplier group number field. The customers are divided into groups under FIBU - master data - account groups. By default (company 100 standard account framework) there are three customer groups - it can be e.g. For example, a subdivision into domestic, EU and foreign countries can be made. Which account falls into which group is determined in the number groups. The deposits in the fixed accounts decide which group is posted to which collective account. If no suitable account range or number range can be determined, you will receive a corresponding message in the logs.

Docs  /  NVXBMD BMD  /  Tasks
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Docs  /  NVXBMD BMD  /  Tasks
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Docs  /  NVXBMD BMD  /  Tasks
BMD Customer/Vendor List

The master data provided for the export can be viewed on the BMD debtors/creditors overview page. This list can be filled automatically with every change to the customer and vendor master data or manually via an action. Whether this list is filled automatically can be set in the BMD setup.


CustomerVendorIDSpecifies the Cust. Vendor Indicator.
Account No.Specifies the Account No..
BMD account no.Specifies the BMD Account No.
NameSpecifies the Name.
MatchcodeSpecifies the Matchcode.
TitleSpecifies the Title.
BranchSpecifies the Branch.
StreetSpecifies the Street.
Post CodeSpecifies the Post Code.
CitySpecifies the City.
PO BoxSpecifies the PO Box.
PO Box Post CodeSpecifies the PO Box Post Code.
Street IndicatorSpecifies the Street Indicator.
Contact PersonSpecifies the Contact Person.
Phone No.Specifies the Phone No.".
Fax No.Specifies the Fax No../td>
E-MailSpecifies the E-Mail.
Home PageSpecifies the Home Page.
Bank Account No.Specifies the Bank Account No..
Bank Branch No.Specifies the Bank Branch No..
SWIFT CodeSpecifies the SWIFT Code.
Bank Country CodeSpecifies the Bank Country Code.
VAT Registration No.Specifies the VAT Registration No..
Cession NoteSpecifies the code for the cession note.
Due DaysSpecifies the Due Days.
Discount %Specifies the Discount %.
Discount 1 DaysSpecifies the Discount Days.
Discount 2 %Specifies the Discount 2 %
Discount 2 DaysSpecifies the Discount 2 Days
Condition 2Specifies the Condition 2.
Tolerance %Specifies the Tolerance %.
Reminder blockSpecifies the Reminder block.
Reminder costsSpecifies the Reminder costs.
Reminder Posting IndicatorSpecifies the Reminder Posting Indicator.
Reminder DateSpecifies the Reminder Date.
Reminder FormSpecifies the Reminder Form.
Credit RatingSpecifies the Credit Rating.
Offsetting AccountSpecifies the Offsetting Account.
Miscellaneous CodeSpecifies the Miscellaneous Code.
KKreisSpecifies the KKreis.
Payables/Receivables AccountSpecifies the Payables/Receivables Account.
Invoice AccountSpecifies the Invoice Account.
VAT Registration DateSpecifies the VAT Registration Date.
Company SalutationSpecifies the Company Salutation.
Personal SalutationSpecifies the Personal Salutation.
For the attention SalutationSpecifies the For the attention Salutation.
Letter SalutationSpecifies the Letter Salutation.
Agent 1Specifies the Agent 1.
Agent 2Specifies the Agent 2.
Shipping MethodSpecifies the Shipping Method.
Sales AreaSpecifies the Sales Area.
Chain of StoresSpecifies the Chain of Stores.
Distance kmSpecifies the Distance km.
Deduction CodeSpecifies the Deduction Code.
Decuction %Specifies the Decuction %.
Order BacklogSpecifies the Order Backlog.
Credit LimitSpecifies the Credit Limit.
Posting blockSpecifies the Posting block.
Deletion FlagSpecifies the Deletion Flag.
CControl FlagSpecifies the Control Flag.
StateSpecifies the State.
IBANSpecifies the IBAN.
DateSpecifies the Date.
Payment blockSpecifies the Payment block.
Payment ExpensesSpecifies the Payment Expenses.
Reason for PaymentSpecifies the Reason for Payment.
ZahlumsatzposSpecifies the Zahlumsatzpos.
Payment Transfer TypeSpecifies the Payment Transfer Type.
Payment BankSpecifies the Payment Bank.
Direct DebitSpecifies the Direct Debit.
External Account No.Specifies the External Account No..
ForeignerSpecifies the Foreigner.
No TaxSpecifies the No Tax.
Reminder StatementSpecifies the Reminder Statement.
Branch IndicatorSpecifies the Branch Indicator.
Bills of ExchangeSpecifies the Bills of Exchange.
State No.Specifies the State No..
Fipkurz ZahlmodusSpecifies the Fipkurz Zahlmodus.
Place Holder 1Specifies the Place Holder 1.
Place Holder 2Specifies the Place Holder 2.
Second CurrencySpecifies the Second Currency.
Varcode 2Specifies the Varcode 2.
FCY CodeSpecifies the FCY Code.
Country CodeSpecifies the Country Code.
Opening Balance Acc.Specifies the Opening Balance Acc..
Opening Balance IndicatorSpecifies the Opening Balance Indicator.
FirstnameSpecifies the First Name.
Name 2Specifies the Name 2.
ProfessionSpecifies the Profession.
LanguageSpecifies the Language


  • Update Vendor/Customer Data

    Executes the Update Vendor/Customer Data action.
With the system-internal functions Edit List and Delete, this data can still be edited manually before the export. With the system-internal functions Open in Excel or Edit in Excel, the data is transferred to Excel and is available there for viewing or editing.

Docs  /  NVXBMD BMD  /  Tasks
BMD Update Customer/Vendor Data

This function can be used to propose master records for export. It is also possible not only to provide master data that has changed since the last export, but also any data.


Process CustomersSpecifies whether the customers should be processed.
Process VendorsSpecifies whether the vendors should be processed.
By activating the options Process Customers or Process Vendors you can define whether customers and/or vendors should be made available.


Here you can filter according to one or more parameters. Such as: "Modifeid At" Here you can filter that only master data with a change after a certain date should be provided.

Docs  /  NVXBMD BMD  /  Tasks
BMD Posting List

The BMD Entries Overview page can be used to view the entries made available for export. With the Edit list and Delete functions, data can still be changed manually before the export.


G/L Entry Lfd. Nr.Specifies the entry number of the G/L Entry.
Transaction No.Specifies the transaction number of the G/L Entry.
Record Typenum. 1 Stelle - 0 = FIBU-Buchungssätze (jeder Buchungstyp möglich (Rechnungen, Zahlungen) / SA 1 - 11 = Folgesatzarten
Account No.num. 10 Stellen - Führendes Konto der Buchung (Personen- oder Sachkonto)
BMD Kontonr.num. 10 Stellen - Führendes BMD Konto der Buchung (Personen- oder Sachkonto)
Bal. Account No.num. 10 Stellen - Gegenkonto (nur Sachkonto)
Posting Datealphanum. 10 Stellen - Buchungsdatum TT.MM.JJJJ
Document No.alphanum. 20 Stellen - Belegnummer
Document Datealphanum. 10 Stellen - Belegdatum TT.MM.JJJJ
VAT Codenum. 4 Stellen - USt. Steuercode lt. MwSt. Buchungsmatrix
VAT Percentnum. 3,3 Stellen - Steuerprozentsatz
Opening Balance Identificationnum. 1 Stelle - EB-Kennzeichen - (1 = EB Buchung)
Debit Credit Codenum. 2 Stellen - 1 = Sollbuchung / 2 = Habenbuchung
Amountnum. 15,2 Stellen - Buchungsbetrag - Brutto oder Netto - richtet sich nach dem führenden Konto - bei Buchcode 1 immer pos. ausser bei Gutschrift
Amount Dec.Specifies the amount as a decimal value.
Currency CodeSpecifies the iso currency code.
VAT Amountnum. 15,2 Stellen - Steuerbetrag - VZ richtet sich nach Steuerart bzw. ob Steuer im Soll oder Haben geb. wird (Umsatzst.: Minus / Vorst. Plus / Erwebsst.: Soll u. Haben Minus)
VAT Amount Dec.Gibt den MwSt. Betrag als Dezimalwert an.
FCY AmountSpecifies the amount in foreign currency.
FCY Discount AmountSpecifies the discount amount in foreign currency.
FCY FactorSpecifies foreign currency factor.
FCY VAT AmountSpecifies the vat amount in foreign currency.
FCY Remaining AmountSpecifies the remaingin amount in foreign currency.
Posting Periodnum. 2 Stellen - Buchungsperiode (dient der Periodenzuordnung bei Saldenlisten und bei der Umsatzsteuer - wenn abweichend vom Belegdatum)
Posting Descriptionalphanum. 255 Stellen - Buchungstext
Posting Symbolalphanum. 4 Stellen - z.B. AR, ER, BK, EB, ... (lt. Anlage in BMD)
External Document No.alphanum. 60 Stellen - Externe Belegnummer
Due Daysnum. 6 Stellen - Zahlungsziel in Tagen (vom Valuta oder Belegdatum)
Due Datealphanum. 10 Stellen - Nettofälligkeitsdatum TT.MM.JJJJ
Discount Percentnum. 4,2 Stellen - Skontoprozentsatz
Discount Amount manuallynum. 15,2 - Skontobetrag - Skontobetrag der Buchung mit umgekehrtem Vorzeichen im Vergleich zum Buchungsbetrag
Discount Daysnum. 4 Stellen - Skototage (vom Valuta oder Belegdatum)
Discount Datealphanum. 10 Stellen - Skontodatum TT.MM.JJJJ
Value Datealphanum. 10 Stellen - Valutadatum TT.MM.JJJJ
Posting Period Typenum. 5 Stellen - Buchungsart - (1001 lfd. Periodenbuchung / 2001 Bilanzbuchung / 3001 EB-Buchung)
VAT Registration No.alphanum. 20 Stellen - UID-Nr. des Kunden oder Lieferanten - kann mit "-" oder "KEINEUID" als leer übergeben werden
Payment Referencealphanum. 30 Stellen - ZV-Kundendaten werden in ZV-Zahlungsreferenz übernommen
Credit Memo Indicatornum. 1 Stelle - Gutschrift/Storno KZ - 1=Gutschrift / 2 = Storno
Posting Typenum. 1 Stelle - Buchungstyp - (1=Rechnung, 2=Zahlung) wird normalerweise vom Buchungssymbol gezogen, nur wenn dort nicht definiert oder abweichend, sonst nicht nötig
Cost Acc. Cost CenterSpecifies the cost center.
Cost Acc. Cost UnitSpecifies the cost unit.
Direct DebitSpecifies if the transaction was a direct debit payment method.


  • Provide Postings

    Creates the list for postings to be exported.
  • ResetBMDExportEntryNo

    Reset Field BMD Export Entry No. in G/L Entries.
Data can be transferred to Excel using the system-internal functions Open in Excel or Edit in Excel. The data is then available in Excel for viewing or editing.

Docs  /  NVXBMD BMD  /  Tasks
BMD Provide Postings

The entries to be exported are transferred to the BMD Postings List using the provide postings function.


Balance Account No.Entering an "Balance Account No." is necessary if not only entries with a connection to a personal account are to be exported (purchase/sales invoices, credit notes, payments from customers or vendors) but also pure G/L Entries.All G/L Entries are applied against this account. The balance on this account is back to 0 after each complete posting record.The account is necessary for interface-technical reasons.
Incl. already exported entriesSpecifies if already exported entries should be included.


G/L EntriesYou can filter by one or more parameters here. Such as: Posting Date. This allows the period of time for the items to be provided for the export to be defined

Docs  /  NVXBMD BMD  /  Tasks
BMD Import Wage Data

With this function, a payroll file provided by BMD can be imported into a BC general journal. The journal can then be edited and/or posted.


Gen. Journal TemplateSpecifies the general journal template name where the journal lines should be inserted.
Gen. Journal BatchSpecifies the general journal batch name where the journal lines should be inserted.
Dimension 2 CodeSpecifies the global dimension 2 code which should be used in the journal lines.
Document No.Specifies the document number given to the created journal lines.

Docs  /  NVXBMD BMD  /  Tasks
BMD Log List

All imports and exports are managed with this mask and .csv files can be exported. Individual entries can be processed here.


Entry No.Specifies the number of the entry.
DirectionSpecifies the direction of the entry.
LogTypSpecifies the type of the entry.
Import/Export Date TimeSpecifies the date and time when the entry was created.
Import/Export FileSpecifies the filename to which the file was written or from which it was imported.
LogstatusSpecifies the status of the entry.
User IDSpecifies the user id which created this entry.


  • Export

    Export the log.

Docs  /  NVXBMD BMD  /  Appendix
Release Notes

Would you like to know what has changed in the extension?
Below you'll find an overview of the new features and changes made in the updates. Build-Overview in DevOps


  • Modifications

    • Added new Events.
    • Corrections

      • Changed german caption for cession note fields.


    • Corrections

      • no more locking of customer or vendor when creating export table trough report "BMD Update Customer/Vendor Data"


    as of Business Central 16
    • Corrections

      • add BMD Menu actions with visible false for in development compatibility


    • Initial Version

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