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Docs  /  NVXBMD BMD  /  Setup

BMD Setup

2023/12/19 • 1 min. to read
The basic parameters for data exchange with BMD are defined with the help of the Setup menu item.

General, Fields

Show WageData MenueSpecifies the value of the Show WageData Menue field.
Dimension Code Cost CenterSpecifies the value of the Dimension Code Cost Center field.
Dimension Code Cost UnitSpecifies the value of the Dimension Code Cost Unit field.
Autom. Update BMD Customer/Vendor DataSpecifies if the Customer/Vendor table for BMD Export should be updated automatically at change of base data.
Dflt. Cust. Cession NoteSpecifies the default cession note code for the customer. These cession notes can be overwritten by the countries/regions.
Dflt. Vend. Cession NoteSpecifies the default cession note code for the vendor. These cession notes can be overwritten by the countries/regions.

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