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NVXZPL ZPL Printer Management Base

Provides base functionality to interface with ZPL printers.

Current Version: as of Business Central 20.


Creation date: 2025/01/13
The current version of this manual can be found at:

☰ Contents


  • App ZPL Printer Management Base
    The app ZPL Printer Management Base defines tables and pages, to declare zpl printers and zpl layouts. The user can define the zpl printer to use for a distinct layout & username combination (similar to the Printer Selection in Business Central)...


  • ZPL Printers
    On this page the user can define the available zebra printers as well as details for connecting to the specified printer...
  • ZPL Layouts
    On this page zpl layouts can be defined in a separate dialog with a text editor and testet via the actions Download or Test Print...
  • ZPL Layout Editor
    The layout must be specified in this editor in the ZPL format...
  • ZPL Printer Selections
  • Working with the App
    The Zebra Printer Management Base only provides basic functionality and tables...
  • Developer Information
    This app only provides basic functionality and entities as well as interfaces. The connection to a printer and the conversion of an image to zpl code has to be implemented in subapps...


  • Release Notes

Docs  /  NVXZPL ZPL Printer Management Base  /  General

The app ZPL Printer Management Base defines tables and pages, to declare zpl printers and zpl layouts. The user can define the zpl printer to use for a distinct layout & username combination (similar to the Printer Selection in Business Central). Furthermore, this app defines functions to establish a connection with a specified printer, retrieve a specified zpl layout from the database, etc.

Docs  /  NVXZPL ZPL Printer Management Base  /  Tasks
Zebra Printers

On this page the user can define the available zebra printers as well as details for connecting to the specified printer.


CodeSpecifies the code of this printer.
DescriptionSpecifies the description of this printer.

Docs  /  NVXZPL ZPL Printer Management Base  /  Tasks
Zebra Label Layouts

On this page zpl layouts can be defined in a separate dialog with a text editor and testet via the actions "Download" or "Test Print".


CodeSpecifies the code of this zpl layout.
DescriptionSpecifies the description of this zpl layout.
Label TypeSpecifies the Label Type.


  • Edit Layout

    A page(ZPL Layout Editor) is being opened which enables the user to edit the label layout directly.
  • Test Print

    Sends the selected zpl layout to a selected zebra printer.
  • Download

    Downloads the defined label layout as a .txt file.


The following methods are available on instances of the ZPL Layout record.
Method Name Description
SetNoOfCopiesForLayout(Integer): Text Adds a parameter to the layouts zpl code with the no. of copies specified.
SetNoOfCopiesForLayout(Integer; Text): Text Adds a parameter to the specified zpl code with the no. of copies specified.
GetLayoutAsText(): Text Gets the zpl layout as text.
GetLayoutAsStream(): InStream Gets the zpl layout as a stream.
Print() Prints the current layout on the zpl printer according to the ZPL Printer Selection
Print(Code[20]) Prints the current layout on the zpl printer specified in the parameter.
Print(Text) Prints the specified layout on the zpl printer according to the ZPL Printer Selection
GetNoOfPlaceholdersFromLayout(Text): Integer Retrieves the no. of placeholders occuring in the layout.
ReplacePlaceholders(Text; List of [Text]): Text Replaces the available placeholders within the layout with the specified list of values. The placeholders must be defined in the format %1-n. A placeholder in the zpl code is being replaced with the value, from whcih the index of the value within the list is equal to the placeholder identifier.

Docs  /  NVXZPL ZPL Printer Management Base  /  Tasks
ZPL Layout Editor

The layout must be specified in this editor in the ZPL format. Example zpl layout: ^XA ^FX ^CF0,60 ^FO50,50^GB100,100,100^FS ^FO75,75^FR^GB100,100,100^FS ^FO93,93^GB40,40,40^FS ^FO220,50^FDLorem ipsum^FS ^CF0,30 ^FO220,115^FDdolor sit amet^FS ^FO220,155^FDconsetetur sadipscing^FS ^FO220,195^FD elitr, sed diam nonumy^FS ^FO50,250^GB700,3,3^FS ^XZ To add dynamic contents to the zpl layout during the runtime, you can define placeholders on any position within the zpl layout via %[1-n]. For a more detailed explaination about placeholders and their functionality please read the Developer Information: ^XA ^FX ^CF0,60 ^FO50,50^GB100,100,100^FS ^FO75,75^FR^GB100,100,100^FS ^FO93,93^GB40,40,40^FS ^FO220,50^FDLorem ipsum%1^FS ^CF0,30 ^FO220,115^FDdolor sit amet%2^FS ^FO220,155^FDconsetetur sadipscing%3^FS ^FO220,195^FD elitr, sed diam nonumy%4^FS ^FO50,250^GB700,3,3^FS ^XZ

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ZPL Printer Selections

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Working with the App

The Zebra Printer Management Base only provides basic functionality and tables. To send zpl labels to a printer, one of the following apps must also be installed, because they provide the implementation to send files to a zpl printer: Prior to printing zebra labels from business central ZPL Printer and ZPL Layouts have to be defined. In the zebra printer selection, similar to the printer selection in business central, default printers can be defined to a combination of username and zebra layout code. Based on this selection following printers are going to be selected based on the different username and layout combinations:
  • Is the current user not equal to TEST and the layout to print is not equal to TESTETIKETT, then the printer ZEBRA is being selected.
  • Is the current user not equal to TEST and the layout to print is equal to TESTETIKETT, then the printer ZEBRA4 is being selected.
  • Is the current user equal to TEST and the layout to print is not equal to TESTETIKETT, then the printer ZEBRA2.
  • Is the current user equal to TEST and the layout to print is equal to TESTETIKETT, then the printer ZEBRA3 is being selected

Docs  /  NVXZPL ZPL Printer Management Base  /  Tasks
Developer Information

This app only provides basic functionality and entities as well as interfaces. The connection to a printer and the conversion of an image to zpl code has to be implemented in subapps.


This app provides following interfaces and corresponding enums:


Enum: ZPLConnectionTypeNVX


Methodname Description
Print(Text; Code[20]) Prints the zpl code in text format to the selected printer.


Enum: ZPLImageConversionFormatNVX


Methodname Description
Convert(var ImageInStr: InStream; Size: Integer): Text; Converts an image from stream to zpl code.
Convert(var ImageInStr: InStream; Size: Integer; Rotation: Enum "Rotate Flip Type"): Text Converts and rotates an image from stream to zpl code

Print a ZPL Layout

On the table ZPLPrinterNVX the field "Connection Type" is defined, which implements the interface ZPLIPrinterConnectorNVX. This enum can be extended in subapps to support different connection methods to the printer.
procedure PrintLayout(LayoutCode: Code[20]; NoOfCopies: Integer)
    ZPLLayout: Record ZPLLayoutNVX;
    ZPLPrinter: Record ZPLPrinterNVX;
    ZPLPrinterMgt: Codeunit ZPLPrinterMgtNVX;
    PrinterCode: Code[20];
    IZebraConnector: Interface ZPLIPrinterConnectorNVX;
    Placeholders: List of [Text];
    LabelLayout: Text;
    ZPLPrinterMgt.GetPrinter(ZPLLayout.Code, PrinterCode); //determines the printer according to the ZPL printer selection
    IZebraConnector := ZPLPrinter."Connection Type"; //connection to the printer must be implemented in subapps
    Placeholders.Add('Test2'); //Definition of the values that replace the placeholders. The placeholder %1 is being replaced with 'Test' and placeholder %2 is being replaced with 'Test2'.
    LabelLayout := ZPLLayout.GetLayoutAsText();
    ZPLLayout.SetNoOfCopiesForLayout(NoOfCopies, LabelLayout);
    LabelLayout := ZPLLayout.ReplacePlaceholders(LabelLayout, Placeholders);
    IZebraConnector.Print(LabelLayout, PrinterCode);

Docs  /  NVXZPL ZPL Printer Management Base  /  Appendix
Release Notes

Would you like to know what has changed in the extension?
Below you'll find an overview of the new features and changes made in the updates. Build-Overview in DevOps


as of Business Central 20


  • Set Field LabelType from Table ZPL Layout to obsolete.


as of Business Central 20


  • Removal of the field LabelType from Table ZPL Layout and Page ZPLLayouts.


as of Business Central 20


  • Improve functionality to replace placeholders in the zpl layout table. Added Field LabelLayoutType - Enum for zpl layout table.


as of Business Central 20


  • Improve functionality to replace placeholders in the zpl layout.


as of Business Central 20

    Initial Version

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