Provides an interface to send and receive data from gls.
Current Version: of Business Central 17.
Creation date: 2025/01/13 The current version of this manual can be found at:
☰ Contents
GLS interface
Setup The app is set up in the tables of Shipping Agents, Shipping Agent Services and Shipment Methods...
GLS Interface Setup
Shipping Units Shipping Units are templates for the packages and are used in the package lines...
Shipping Agents
Shipping Agent Services GLS currently offers two different types of transport. According to these values, the request for API is formed...
Shipment Methods
Working with the app when using inventory picks In order to be able to work with this variant, you must activate inventory picks in the Storage locations...
Working with the app when using direct deliveries from orders In order to be able to work with this variant, you must activate the display of package lines in sales orders and purchase complaints in the Shipping Agents...
Release Notes Would you like to know what has changed in the app...
Docs / NVXGLSI GLS Interface / General General
The GLS Interface - App connects the BC and GLS package management. This makes the following features available:
Incorporation of the GLS functionalities in the standard BC order processing through picking as a means of communication
Setup per Shipping Agent (standard table)
Possibility of collection from different addresses
Determination of packaging variants
Transparency through provision and control of requests/responses to/from GLS service
Docs / NVXGLSI GLS Interface / Setup setup
The app is set up in the tables of Shipping Agents, Shipping Agent Services and Shipment Methods.
You can either use the necessary package lines for the GLS packages in inventory picks, for this you have to switch on the picking in the storage locations:
Require Pick
To use a storage location for picking, the checkbox "Require Pick" must be set.
Or you can also use the simple variant directly in sales orders and purchase return orders.
To do this, you have to activate in the Shipping Agents setup that the package lines should be displayed.
Specifies if you want to open the posted Sales Shipment after you have posted an inventory pick.
Open Return Receipt after Pick
Specifies if you want to open the posted Return Receipt after you have posted an inventory pick.
Shipping Agents
View the list of shipping companies that you use to transport goods.
Shipping Units
View the list of shipping units that you use to transport goods.
Shipment Methods
View the list of shipping methods that you use to transport goods.
Docs / NVXGLSI GLS Interface / Setup Shipping Units
Shipping Units are templates for the packages and are used in the package lines.
By selecting a standard Shipping Unit, the input can be simplified.
Specifies a code to identify this box.
Specifies a description for this box.
Specifies if the shipping unit should be default for new packages.
Specifies the length of the box.
Specifies the width of the box.
Specifies the height of the box.
Specifies the cubage of the box.
Specifies the weight of the box.
Docs / NVXGLSI GLS Interface / Setup Zusteller
Shipping Agent
Specifies the Shipping Agent
Shipping Service
Specifies the Shipping Service for the Shipping Agent Web Service
Contact ID
Specifies the Contact ID for the Shipping Agent Web Service
User ID
Specifies the User ID for the Shipping Agent Web Service
Specifies the Password for the Shipping Agent Web Service
Shipment API URL
Specifies the Shipment URL of the Web Service
Note 1
Specifies the field to be printed on the label as Note 1.
Note 2"
Specifies the field to be printed on the label as Note 2.
Show Order Packing List
Specifies if the packing lines should be visible in the sales orders oder purchase return orders.
Label Printing Options
Specifies the label printing options.
Printing Options
The interface supports 2 printing options at the moment.
Default UseDefault
With this setup the default from GLS is used. It is for example possible to use a GLS backend on a self hosted environment and with this reroute the labels automatically to a printer from GLS directly.
With this setup the label will be saved in the database on the package and can be printed from Business Central.
Specifies an Incoterm, which is sent to the GLS API.
Docs / NVXGLSI GLS Interface / Tasks Working with the app
In order to be able to work with this variant, you must activate inventory picks in the Storage locations.
Open Document
The intems in a sales order, purchase return order or transfer order must be shipped by picking.
Create Inventory Put-away/Pick/Movement
The action Process->"Create Inventory Put-away/Pick/Movement" opens a dialog for the order or complaint, where the checkmark "Create Invt. Oick" should be set.
Inventory Pick
Once the pick is created, the pick lines are added.
Create new package
The action Process->"Create new package" adds a new package where further articles can be selected.
The picks can have multiple packages where lines from the order can be full or split.
Add pick lines
The package contains the Actions->"Add picking lines" action, which opens a list of the lines belonging to the order or complaint that can be added to the GLS package.
The picking lines do not have to be added. This is for all weight determination purposes and is optional. The weight can also be entered manually.
Post Pick
When the picking lines are posted, it is checked whether the order and picking have been released, whether the movement quantities exist and whether all other mandatory values have been filled. If these prerequisites are met, the picking is posted and from this point on it is under the posted inventory picks.
This will deliver the order lines.
Posted Document
After the picking has been booked, a Posted Sales Shipment, Posted Return Shipment or Posted Transfer Shipment is made where the last step in the GLS package management process still has to be made.
GLS shipping
With the help of the action Process->"GLS Shipping" a package tracking number. requested by the GLS Web Service and written in the ''Package Tracking No.'' field in the package lines. The request/response data is written to the "Last API Request" and "Last API Response" fields for better transparency and control.
Docs / NVXGLSI GLS Interface / Tasks Working with the app
In order to be able to work with this variant, you must activate the display of package lines in sales orders and purchase complaints in the Shipping Agents.
Open Document
In a sales order, purchase return order or transfer order, you can
Create new package
The action Process->"Create new package" adds a new package where further articles can be selected.
The picks can have multiple packages where lines from the order can be full or split.
Add pick lines
The package contains the Actions->"Add document lines" action, which opens a list of the lines belonging to the order or complaint that can be added to the GLS package.
The document lines do not have to be added. This is for all weight determination purposes and is optional. The weight can also be entered manually.
In the Add document lines page, a Quantity to Assign can be specified, so that item lines can be divided into the package assignments similar to the inventory pick.
If the receipt is delivered, the package lines entered for the Posted Sales Shipment, Posted Purchase Return Shipment or Posted Transfer Shipment are adopted. After the delivery, there is no longer a package line in the open document.
Posted Document
In the Posted Sales Shipment, Posted Purchase Return Shipment or Posted Transfer Shipment, the package must then be registered with GLS.
GLS shipping
With the help of the action Process->"GLS Shipping" a package tracking number. requested by the GLS Web Service and written in the ''Package Tracking No.'' field in the package lines. The request/response data is written to the "Last API Request" and "Last API Response" fields for better transparency and control.
Would you like to know what has changed in the app?
Below you'll find an overview about new features and changes that has been done in the updates.
Build overview in DevOps
as of Business Central 17 2024/04/15
New setup page "GLS Interface Setup"
allow control if you want to open the posted sales shipment or return receipt after the post of an inventory pick
as of Business Central 17 2023/02/27
Error correction at communication with GLS, ShippingUnit was no longer filled
as of Business Central 17 2023/02/22
Support for Transfer ORders based on the Posted Transfer Shipment