Current Version: of Business Central 17.
Creation date: 2025/02/07 The current version of this manual can be found at:
☰ Contents
App GL Account Name 2 The app GL Account Name 2 extends the G/L Account table as well as the Chart Of Accounts and the G/L Account Card with the Name 2 field...
Working with the App The app extends the following pages with the names 2...
Release Notes
Docs / NVXGAN GL Account Name 2 / General General
The app GL Account Name 2 extends the G/L Account table as well as the Chart Of Accounts and the G/L Account Card with the Name 2 field.
Docs / NVXGAN GL Account Name 2 / Tasks Working with the App
The app extends the following pages with the names 2.
Chart Of Account and G/L Account Card
The Name 2 was added after of the Name field. A text with a length of 100 characters can be entered here.
Would you like to know what has changed in the extension? Below you'll find an overview of the new features and changes made in the updates.
Build-Overview in DevOps