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NVXGAN GL Account Name 2

Name 2 for G/L Accounts.

Current Version: as of Business Central 17.


Creation date: 2025/02/07
The current version of this manual can be found at:

☰ Contents


  • App GL Account Name 2
    The app GL Account Name 2 extends the G/L Account table as well as the Chart Of Accounts and the G/L Account Card with the Name 2 field...


  • Working with the App
    The app extends the following pages with the names 2...


  • Release Notes

Docs  /  NVXGAN GL Account Name 2  /  General

The app GL Account Name 2 extends the G/L Account table as well as the Chart Of Accounts and the G/L Account Card with the Name 2 field.

Docs  /  NVXGAN GL Account Name 2  /  Tasks
Working with the App

The app extends the following pages with the names 2.

Chart Of Account and G/L Account Card

The Name 2 was added after of the Name field. A text with a length of 100 characters can be entered here.

Docs  /  NVXGAN GL Account Name 2  /  Appendix
Release Notes

Would you like to know what has changed in the extension?
Below you'll find an overview of the new features and changes made in the updates. Build-Overview in DevOps


as of Business Central 17

    Initial Version

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