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 NVXDMT Data Migration Tool

This app contains basic functions that are intended to support the start of real operation. This app is also part of the EasyStarter methodology.
Current Version: as of Business Central 19.


Creation date: 2024/04/25
The current version of this manual can be found at:

☰ Contents


  • App Data Migration Tool


  • App Setup
    The setup can be reached through tell-me by searching for Data Migration Tool setup...
  • User Setup


  • Working with the App

Reports and Analysis

  • Modify Item Tracking
    The report Modify Item Tracking runs through all items and changes the value of the field Item Tracking Code to the values defined in the request page...
  • Correct Item Ledger Entries
    The report is a processing only report without printout...


  • Release Notes

Docs  /  NVXDMT Data Migration Tool  /  General

This extension offers useful functions for data migration. Among other things, the following functions are included:
  • Automatically create item tracking lines in item journals
  • Delete table data with and without table triggers
  • Copy configuration worksheets between databases and companies
  • Disable validation of primary key fields in configuration packages

Docs  /  NVXDMT Data Migration Tool  /  Setup
App Setup

The setup can be reached through tell-me by searching for Data Migration Tool setup".


Activate Application AreaEnables the visibility of app-specific actions and fields.
Allow Disable Validate Field for Primary KeyAllows disabling validation of primary key fields in configuration packages.


  • Refresh Application Area

    Executes the Refresh Application Area action.

Docs  /  NVXDMT Data Migration Tool  /  Setup
User Setup

The app extends User Setup with:


Can Modify Item Tracking CodesSpecifies if the User can modify Item Tracking Codes.

Docs  /  NVXDMT Data Migration Tool  /  Tasks
Working with the app

Automatically create item tracking lines in item journal

This function is intended to facilitate the data transfer of stock levels with and without item tracking. The Item Journal is extended to include the Serial No. Data Migration and Lot No. Data Migration extended. In addition, the new function Prepare Item Journal is available. When calling the action, existing reservation entries for the lines of the journal are first deleted. It then creates reservation entries for item tracking based on the field values. In addition, the "Phys. Inventory" field is set so that Phys. Inventory Ledger Entries are created on posting.

Deleting table data with and without table triggers

The Configuration Worksheet is extended with the following new actions:
  • Select All
  • Deselect all
  • Delete selected tables
By executing the actions select all and deselect all tables can be marked for deletion. The marking can also be done manually by selecting the field Select table for deletion. The contents of the tables can then be deleted by calling the Delete selected tables function. Before deleting, it is selected whether the table triggers are to be executed.

Copy configuration worksheets between databases and companies

The content of configuration worksheets can be migrated between companies and databases via the new functions Import configuration and Export configuration. In the background, the contents of the associated tables are copied to individual tables and a configuration package is created from these tables. After the configuration package has been imported into the target client, the settings can be loaded using the Import configuration action.

Disable validation of primary key fields in configuration packages

Validation of primary key fields in configuration packages can be disabled by enabling the setup. This allows, for example, routing lines to be imported while the routing header is certified.

Docs  /  NVXDMT Data Migration Tool  /  Reports and Analysis
Modify Item Tracking

The report Modify Item Tracking runs through all items and changes the value of the field Item Tracking Code to the values defined in the request page.


The report can be executet only if a record exists for the current user in the user setup and the Can Modify Item Tracking Codes field is set there.


After executing the report the request page opens and the New Item Tracking Code and Default Lot No. must be defined. After the report runs, the job changes item ledger entries ,warehouse entries and the item record to the defined values. If an item ledger entry already has a item tracking code an the Default Lot No. ist not empty the record will be skipped. The report also changes only item ledger entries with a remaining quantity. If an error occures during the process the reports dont skip the run, but collects all errors and displays them at the end of the run.


After changing the warehouse entries, it is not possible to undo this changes. Package No. and Expiration Date are not taken in consider. Reservation entries must be updated manually. Only items with type Inventory will be affected. It is also only possible to change item tracking code, if the tracking code was empty or the old tracking code was lot no.- specific. It is not possible to change an item tracking code from a serial no.- specific code.

Docs  /  NVXDMT Data Migration Tool  /  Reports and Analysis
Correct Item Ledger Entries

The report is a processing only report without printout. A start date can be specified in the request page, then only items from this date are taken into account. This date has the sense that in case of repeated corrections not all items have to be checked each time, since no new deviations should have arisen in the already corrected past. When the correction is executed in the client, a progress window appears. However, the report is also suitable for the job queue. The correction job compares inventory from the item ledger entry with inventory from the warehoue entry for locations with bin mandatory. The comparison is not done per item but based on:
  • Location
  • Item No.
  • Variant Code
  • Lot No.
  • Serial No.
  • Package No.
  • Postingdate and Registering Date


For detected deviations, warehouse entries are generated in the sense of a physical inventory. The first bin found with inventory is used. If there is no inventory according to the warehouse entry, the first bin of the location is used. The created warehouse entry can be identified by the source no. and description.

Docs  /  NVXDMT Data Migration Tool  /  Appendix
Release Notes

Would you like to know what has changed in the extension?
Below you'll find an overview of the new features and changes made in the updates. Build-Overview in DevOps


as of Business Central 19


  • New report Modify Item Tracking was added. This report offers the possibility to change the item tracking code for items with already existing ledger entries.
  • New report Correct Warehouse Entries was added. This report offers the possibility to correct discrepancies between warehouse entries and item ledger entries.


as of Business Central 19


  • Added event publisher OnRunOnBeforeInsertReservationEntry in DMTCreateItemTrackingNVX codeunit.


as of Business Central 19

    Initial Version

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